We just wanted to give you a heads up on two Pasadena Caltech events coming up in a couple weeks. Several of their alumni and retired professors have been putting it together. They will take place on the late afternoon of
May 22nd, the first entitled
Watson Lecture by Dr. Carver Mead, ‘Caltech and the Science and Engineering that Changed the World’. It will highlight achievements from Caltech alumni and retired professors in microelectronics. Within the latter part of the lecture, there will be recognition in the beginnings of the modern electric vehicle. It will be held at the
Beckman Auditorium. Btw, Carver is one brilliant dude, and even still at 90 years old. (
There will be another event eight days later on
May 30th,
‘Caltech and the Origin of Electric Vehicles’ at the
RAMO Auditorium from 5pm to 8:30pm. The former may be a good precursor to attend. It’s mostly about microelectronics, but there will be a latter part towards the end on automotive vehicles. (
SEE EVENT DETAILS). This event is a sponsored SAE event. Many from AC Propulsion will be present. Both events are free and open to the public.