A gangster hires an ex-football player to find his girlfriend. When he finds her, they fall in love, and the twists start to appear.
With that let’s welcome back Steve & Izzy from EILFM, Brad, as well as executive producer of the Drive Thru Tania, and Mountain Man Dan to Break/Fix!
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Steve and Izzy - Hosts for Everything I Learned from Movies Podcast

Steve and Izzy watch bad movies, drink good beer, funny third thing. Cheers!

Contact: Steve and Izzy at Visit Online!
- Review of the 1984 Film “Against All Odds” featuring Jeff Bridges, James Woods and Rachel Ward
and much, much more!
Crew Chief Brad: [00:00:00] Grand Touring Motorsports started as a social group of car enthusiasts, but we’ve expanded into all sorts of motorsports disciplines, and we want to share our stories with you. Years of racing, wrenching, and motorsports experience brings together a top notch collection of knowledge and information through our podcast, Brake Fix.
Ashley McAnelly: The following episode is intended for mature audiences. Please note that listener discretion is advised.
Crew Chief Eric: She was a beautiful fugitive, fleeing from corruption and from power. He was a professional athlete past his prime, hired to find her, and he grew to love her. Love turned to obsession, obsession turned to murder, and now the price of freedom might be nothing less.
She stole 50
grand from me. I want her back. I want you to find her for me.
Mountain Man Dan: You got problems now, Terry. You want trouble too? [00:01:00] Yeah! Not many people could handle something like this, Jessie. But you come from a powerful family.
What is it you don’t like exactly? Football players, tacos, or beer? I like tacos and I like beer. So many people must have loved you. Just let me take her back with me, Terry.
Harry, he could hurt us.
Izzy Fischer: You mean he could hurt me? Don’t think if he doesn’t even things up with me, I’m not gonna stomp on his pretty face.
You were in on it, Jesus. That’s not true. You helped set me up. Get off him! I just found out tonight Jake jumps for you. You told him everything,
Crew Chief Eric: didn’t you? Didn’t you?
You’ve become everything I’m about, don’t you understand that? Jake, I love him! You don’t think I need to be cared for too? [00:02:00] You want to gamble with me, Terry?
Crew Chief Eric: This is going to be a really entertaining review of Against All Odds, starring Jeff Bridges, Rachel Ward, and James Woods, featuring our friends Steve and Izzy from Everything I Learned From Movies. Hey, everybody. Hey,
Executive Producer Tania: I’m sorry. You just described the plot to The Big Lebowski, so we may have watched the wrong
Steve Kondrick: movie.
An unemployed Jeff Bridges is hired by a rich white to find a family member. Hijinks ensue. Those are some nice shades you got on, Eric.
Steve Kondrick: baby. It’s all 80s all the time.
Crew Chief Eric: Got the collar freshly popped. I am so happy to be back with you guys, and we have Mountain Man Dan with us, and we have Tanya from the drive thru, and we’re gonna be talking about Against All Odds, a movie that you guys hadn’t seen, and I hadn’t seen, I don’t think anybody had seen, and we got sucked [00:03:00] into this because of a car chase.
So, what better way to talk about an 80s movie than through a car chase scene?
Steve Kondrick: Absolutely.
Steve Kondrick: Where do we start? I mean, we gotta start with the people that brought us this movie, right? Who are they, Steve? Well, it was directed by Tyler Hackford. Who? You might know him from other movies he’s directed, like Bukowski.
Steve Kondrick: no, not that one, uh, an officer and a gentleman. Oh,
all right.
Steve Kondrick: This white nights. And then the music videos for this Phil Collins guy. We might be talking about later. Lionel Richie, a movie called everybody’s all American bound by honor. All right. Then we start getting into stuff like. Dolores Claiborne.
Executive Producer Tania: Who?
Steve Kondrick: Yeah. How about The Devil’s Advocate, babe? You ever seen that movie?
Executive Producer Tania: Where are you?
Steve Kondrick: Guys, you wanna see Keanu with a Floridian accent, quote unquote? That’s the movie.
Crew Chief Eric: Oh, baby! Oh, baby! I love the Dumpster Fire movie so much. You know what I [00:04:00] love about this? This is such a gem of a movie. And it comes on the heels of Jeff Bridges doing Tron.
If you look at the IMDB for this, there’s not much in between.
Steve Kondrick: And immediately after this is Starman, where he basically plays
Crew Chief Eric: Deadpan. Exactly. So he’s really showing. His versatility as an actor in like a three year span.
Executive Producer Tania: You’re able to see the dude in all of his dude dom across these movies. Because let’s face it, Jeff Bridges is just the dude.
We’ll get to that.
Steve Kondrick: Oh, totally. Talk about an all star cast in this movie, too. Yeah, you mentioned Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges. Academy Award. I think nominee at least, uh, James Woods. Oh. As Jake Wise or Weezer, I don’t know how you’re supposed to say his name. It’s said a couple different ways in this movie.
Executive Producer Tania: I, I have said it many times on our podcast. James Woods is a dumpster fire of a human being. He is not a good man, but that translates so [00:05:00] beautifully on film. He is a joy to watch.
Crew Chief Eric: Quintessential villain. I mean, you just look at him, but that’s a
Executive Producer Tania: bad
Crew Chief Eric: guy.
Executive Producer Tania: Period. Yeah. Yeah,
Steve Kondrick: even in John Carpenter’s Vampires.
Executive Producer Tania: Oh, dude. Well, so John Carpenter’s Vampires, John Carpenter wanted to make a vampire hunter who was as cruel and vicious as the things he killed. And I think it worked. If you want to see some peak James Woods, you have to watch The Specialist. He is at the peak of his game. And then we’ve got Rachel Ward.
Who? Yeah. She’s pretty.
Crew Chief Eric: But we also have guys like. Alex Karras, who played Hank Sully, right? Isn’t he the dad from Webster?
Steve Kondrick: I think so. I know he’s in stuff in the 80s that I never watched, but that sounds about right. I’ve never seen Webster, so.
Crew Chief Eric: You’ve got Saul Rubenek, who Tanya knows from Frasier as the husband of Daphne.
Executive Producer Tania: No, they didn’t get married. Thank you very much. She didn’t marry Donny, she left him at the altar. That’s right, that’s right.
Steve Kondrick: For others, you may know Saul Rubenek as, I forget the name, the [00:06:00] producer’s name in True Romance, but he’s that guy. Like Coke Dow, definitely not Joel
Crew Chief Eric: Silver. You’ve got Swoozie Kurtz, and one of my personal favorites, Dorian Harewood.
Does anybody know where he’s from? Yes! We just saw him in a movie.
Executive Producer Tania: Oh, yeah.
Crew Chief Eric: Oh my god, no. I just had a brain fart. Where was he from? Was it
Executive Producer Tania: a Cameron Mitchell movie? Well, he was in Viper.
Crew Chief Eric: As Tanya said, I know him best from the Viper TV series. He played the technician in the wheelchair who built the morphing multi vehicle Viper that was basically a replacement for Knight Rider.
Steve Kondrick: That’s what you bring up. Not like, first thing that comes up on his IMDb is full metal jacket, Space Jam, Sudden Death. He’s the guy, yeah, yeah. Sudden Death is Jean Claude Van Damme. Dare I say classic?
Executive Producer Tania: Oh, it’s a classic. Anything with Jean Claude Van Damme is instantly a classic.
Steve Kondrick: And, and Eric, I wanted to bring this up.
One of my favorite actors is in this movie too, an actor named Ted White.
Who’s he, Steve?
Steve Kondrick: You might know him as security guard with dog in this movie. [00:07:00] He’s a stuntman and over 80 things starting with, he was gunslinger in cat blue. Assassin in Man From U. N. C. L. E. Trooper in Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry, who I’m surprised we haven’t talked about on this show yet.
He was Hugo Maltz in an episode of Kulchak. He was Nazi and Fence in two separate episodes of The Rockford Files. He was Frankie in Demonoid. It’s about a devil hand, check it out. Goon number one in Going Ape, the timeless Danny DeVito, Tony Danza movie everyone loves. Have we done
Izzy Fischer: that for April yet? No, we have
Steve Kondrick: not.
Coming soon. Guard number three in Tron. This, Grogan in Romancing the Stone, Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th, The Final Chapter, I think that’s the fourth one of twelve or so they’ve made. He was the deer hunter in Starmen, another Jeff Bridges one, a couple episodes of The Fall Guy, henchman in Magnum P.
I., attendant in X Files, and trooper in, uh, Double take. Yes, the Orlando [00:08:00] Jones, Eddie Griffin movie everybody has on Blu ray.
Crew Chief Eric: And normally we would save all of this cast and credit information for the bottom of and everything I learned from movies and break, fix, crossover episode. But in this case, we need to set the stage.
We need to get people understand the star studded cast, the amount of money that was thrown at this movie and how much potential it has.
Steve Kondrick: That’s right. We just need an excuse for why the sky is so dark because all of the stars are in this movie. Before we dive
Crew Chief Eric: into it, what are you guys drinking tonight?
Executive Producer Tania: Oh my!
Steve Kondrick: Babe, you want to take this one?
Executive Producer Tania: Well, we have from Sierra Nevada Brewing, Traditional Pale Ale, draft style, 5 percent alcohol by volume. Steve’s going to pop his top. Oh, my top! And Oh, my top! Hey! Yeah, guys, Sierra Nevada, we love it. And if you’ve never been to the brewery, at least the one in Chico, is Willy Wonka and the Beer Factory.
It’s one of the most fun beer tours you will ever do. Oh, Bye. How about you guys? What are y’all drinking? I haven’t popped my top yet, but
Crew Chief Eric: you’ve noticed that I’ve [00:09:00]
Steve Kondrick: the colors. And
Crew Chief Eric: I’m wearing my Jones polarized, big aviator sunglasses. I’m wearing my Ferrari polo shirt. I’ve got my nine 11 cabriolet behind me here.
Never forget. I’m trying to immerse myself in the world of against all odds. And just like this movie, I went on a wild goose chase looking for tab. And I settled instead. On San Pellegrino. Ooooo! This movie screams white people doing white people things. Set in LA, in the hills of Malibu, and Santa Monica.
And it just goes from there.
Steve Kondrick: There’s not enough Yacht Rock. I agree.
Mountain Man Dan: The one thing you’re saying, Eric, when it came to the cast, I’d be curious to know the budget because like the movies from 1984, actors weren’t paid near as much then as they are now. I don’t imagine. So couldn’t have been that people cost for this movie.
Crew Chief Eric: I’m a big Jeff Bridges fan, like people know Tron is like one [00:10:00] of my top five movies of all time.
Executive Producer Tania: But it doesn’t even have cars.
Crew Chief Eric: It’s got motorcycles though. Yeah, it’s got the little light cycles. They’re
Executive Producer Tania: light cycles, yeah. It’s
Crew Chief Eric: a close tie between 89 Batman with Michael Keaton and Tron. I mean, they’re like fighting for first, right?
I can see that. Jeff Bridges in this movie is 35 years old. He’s been acting literally since he was in diapers in 1949. And so he’s probably the most overpaid person on this movie, but he didn’t really gain his popularity until the 80s. And obviously he became a superstar with the big Lebowski and he’s kind of stamped himself in eternity that way.
Wait, was that the one that made him a superstar? I think culturally a superstar, like he’s a pop icon, right? He’s that pop culture reference after the big Lebowski, like everybody knows him for that. Despite everything he did up until that point, he had an entire career when Rachel Ward was still trying to get off the blocks with hers, right?
And so the dynamic of people in this movie is really interesting. And there is a hidden gem here, which we’ll talk about in the, what did we learn [00:11:00] part of this episode
that I
Crew Chief Eric: discovered along the way. But I think we need to really peel back the onion here and talk about what could have been a really, really good movie and what we ended up with.
Steve Kondrick: Nice. Well, I, I guess before that mountain man, Dan, not to be confused with mountain Mike, which I’ve been calling you the past couple of times. Um, what do you think the budget for this movie was? I can’t imagine it was too much. Any guesses out there?
Executive Producer Tania: 125, 000, 25,
Crew Chief Eric: 000 dollars, right? I’m going to guess this is like a, Multi million dollar movie.
Steve Kondrick: More than 2 million, I’ll give you that. No, it’s uh, 13 million. Even like with inflation stuff, kind of a mid range, probably be like a Netflix movie nowadays, you know?
Crew Chief Eric: Well,
Steve Kondrick: let’s face
Crew Chief Eric: it, that Porsche and that Ferrari were new at that time and they were not cheap.
Mountain Man Dan: Yeah. So there went most of the budget.
Crew Chief Eric: There you go. And that was a new 308. That wasn’t some borrowed leftover for Magnum PI either. That was a 308 QV that came out [00:12:00] in 84, 85 time range. That’s like the end of the line for that car. So they spent a pretty penny. I think those things were going in 1980s dollars in the high thirties, low 40, 000 for one of those.
And then all the stunts that they probably needed paid for. 13 of them to get through the chase scene, which again, we’ll talk about as we go along. So I can see it racking up a pretty penny.
Mountain Man Dan: Still for 1984, that’s a lot of
Crew Chief Eric: money. It’s a quality film. And Steve and Izzy are going to take us through it. Oh, are we?
Oh, okay.
Izzy Fischer: Oh, are we? Oh, it’s all right. All right. Get ready for us to do a tap takeover.
Steve Kondrick: All right, guys. We’ll, we’ll start off. In Cozumel. Cozumel, Mexico, baby. We get a nice little POV shot of basically Jeff Bridges doing his best T 1000 like, Have you seen this woman? Have you seen this woman? Dónde está this woman?
The only Spanish he had to learn, which we
Crew Chief Eric: heard 50 times. I visto este mujer. I viste este mujer. My wife was making fun. Like, is that all he knows how to say in Spanish?
Executive Producer Tania: Yes, that is all he knows how to say. He practiced
Crew Chief Eric: [00:13:00] it for a week. Nailed it. Hashtag nailed it. For the car people, did anybody figure out what he was driving in that opening scene before they showed it later?
Well, I thought it was a Porsche. Like, you can kind of tell. No, no, no, no, no. This was
Executive Producer Tania: the, I
Mountain Man Dan: think it
Executive Producer Tania: was a
thing. Yes! Oh, yeah, yeah, the
Mountain Man Dan: Volkswagen thing. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that’s right.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Mountain Man Dan: The thing that set the tone for me automatically is when he’s sitting there at the table in a diner or whatever and he’s like asleep and they have to come up and like wake him up and he’s like, oh, and he kind of wakes up.
I’m like, that should have been the foresight for me right there to just stop watching.
Mountain Man Dan: he
Steve Kondrick: basically fell asleep waiting for his meal to be brought and I’m like, oh, it’s to show he’s been exhausted by saying the same line over and over again all day. They’re like, uh, Mr. Bridges, we’re ready to shoot.
Uh, uh, oh, yes, thank you for the lobster and whatever’s here on the plate. Forget that, because we’re going to cut immediately to football practice. Like, immediately. I’m like, oh, did I hit skip?
Crew Chief Eric: Nope, we’re just there. It took a sudden turn that I was not expecting. Here we are, training day, on a no name football team, [00:14:00] which I think is supposed to be the Raiders.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, the LA Outlaws, but it’s the eighties and make up the teams. Otherwise you got to pay the NFL 25. And you know, you can’t, you don’t want to do that. Not, not on this tight budget and yeah, he’s, you know, a 35 year old wide receiver. We know there’s what dozens of them in the NFL now is Larry Fitzgerald still receiving.
But yeah, the, uh, the new coach, I guess, that’s come in. He’s like, I don’t like you, you and your Steve Largent with a beard attitude. You say you got a good shoulder. Let’s find out by having you just ram it into this thing. That’s not how you use that sled, by the way. Like, I don’t know how you guys played football in high school.
You don’t just randomly jam body parts into it. Like you’re trying to break it. You’re trying to pop your shoulder back into place and it’s lethal weapon.
Steve Kondrick: Like, unreal. Well, especially if he’s also like, I’m going to do it just out of spite or whatever. Like you’re going to cripple yourself out of spite for the coach.
And [00:15:00] this is why NFL players make sure they get their guaranteed money now. That hurt just watching
Crew Chief Eric: it. I don’t know who the stunt guy was or if Jeff was doing that, but every time he lunged into that thing, Oh man, my shoulder hurt just thinking about it.
Mountain Man Dan: When I played football in the nineties, the padding wasn’t that great on it.
Then you could feel that metal bar hitting on your shoulder. So. Back in the eighties, I’m sure the padding was even worse. It’s like filled with ball bearings or something.
Crew Chief Eric: No, why are there shorts in here? Now, based on that opening scene with him and Cozumel and his limited Spanish, I was expecting him to turn around to the coach and be like, yo soy Fiesta.
Steve Kondrick: Have you seen this woman? What? No. Wait, I think that’s the owner’s daughter. We’ll find out later. Anyway, so yeah, so he gets, like, cut by the coach right there, like, Oh, cool, you broke your shoulder again. Good luck. You’re out. Like, oh, I gotta call my agent, Steve Kirsch, or whatever. Saul Rubenek.
Executive Producer Tania: Discount Elliot Gould.[00:16:00]
Steve Kondrick: Can you be a discount Elliot Gould when you’re already starting off with Elliot Gould, though?
Executive Producer Tania: I’m sorry, babe, you mean the star of
Steve Kondrick: The Devil and Max Devlin.
Executive Producer Tania: And what was the one where James Bond played a Nazi?
Steve Kondrick: Oh, escaped from Athena or something like that. Where
Executive Producer Tania: our romantic lead was Elliot Gould.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, the seventies had a lot of coke too.
Never forget.
Executive Producer Tania: And Roger Moore was a Nazi.
Steve Kondrick: Get that dropped. Yeah. He drives off in his Porsche. What was it? 911, 2.
Crew Chief Eric: 0. It was an 84 911 SC Cabriolet. And in that parking lot shot, when you see it the first time, I was like, Ooh, this is cool. It was kind of funny to see the other Porsches in the parking lot. I’m sure Dan and Tanya probably picked up on it.
To the left of the car was a 924 and to the right was a 928. And I was like, Oh, this is a Porsche get together here. It’s like a club meeting. I always love these old movies because there are cars placed here and there and I play that game of like, what’s that quarter panel from? And if I can figure it out from just [00:17:00] even a taillight or something, then it makes it kind of fun and makes, you know, I’ve, I’ve spotted all sorts of weird cars in old movies like that.
So that’s the end of my nerd out on that stuff. Lots of Porsches in this movie. So there goes the budget again.
Steve Kondrick: I got the same thing with like the, uh, nude body doubles in eighties movies. And I’m like, wait a minute. I know those nipples. So he’s trying to get a hold of his agent and the agent’s like, whatever, pass him on to Hal Shoemaker, who we’ll never see in this movie, unfortunately.
I assume he’s going to be played by like, I don’t know, John Goodman or something. But yeah, basically, uh, shows up, meets the secretary E. D. and, you know, eventually talks to his lawyer. Or agent or whatever he’s supposed to be. Uh, and he’s like, look, you know, I can’t represent players anymore because I represent ownership.
Executive Producer Tania: Yeah. And Jeff’s like, Oh, you’re not allowed to do that. Discount Elliot Gold’s like, well, I mean, I do what I want. You can try fighting it, but like, good luck with that. Jeff is escorted out by the secretary who drops way too much information about a private meeting.
Steve Kondrick: EDX position, I believe was her full name.
And then she’s also like, [00:18:00] Hey, so if you ever looking to hang out or whatever, I’m at the ginger man bar or whatever down the street. I’m there just about every night. I’m like, well, that’s definitely not going to come back later in the movie.
Executive Producer Tania: And when it does, what it’s like six months later.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, totally.
Like, Oh, Edie can’t find a man in six months. Come on.
Crew Chief Eric: Seems so sweet. It reeked of desperation, which was a cologne by I think Pierre Cardin or Armani back in the 80s too, but that whole scene was just pretty terrible, but I stopped at that moment as we reach back into our catalog, you know how you guys reach back into other movies.
There’s an episode we did with Ginger Man Raceway, and they tell the story about the Ginger Man bar. And so I had to stop for a second because I was really confused. We’re in California, we’re talking about meeting at the Ginger Man bar, and I’m like, wait, let me cross references. And there’s only two. In the United States, official ginger man bars, Chicago and New York.
And the one we are referencing to is in Chicago because the guy that owned that actually created the racetrack. So I thought for a second, [00:19:00] I was like, wow, that’s a fun little tie, a little piece of trivia, a little nugget there for the gear heads. No, no, no, no. It’s a fictitious ginger man in Los Angeles.
Steve Kondrick: they not even have one back in the 80s? Or I don’t know. It’s like there were like 12 back in the 80s, but now there’s only two. I don’t know. Like Hard Rocks.
Crew Chief Eric: Yes. This movie spiraled lots of research. I’m not going to kid you. So I had to stop at this moment and go look things up. The ginger man itself is actually a book, which is where these bars get their inspiration from.
There’s, you know, not to get into all that.
Mountain Man Dan: I would be interested to find out if the writers of the movie purposely named it the ginger man. Yeah. As like sort of shout out to either of those bars
Crew Chief Eric: or the book itself. Again, there’s these little nuggets where I got to go back and do some research, you know, do some investigating.
But there wasn’t one in LA confirmed original New York and Chicago.
Executive Producer Tania: Okay. East coast thing.
Crew Chief Eric: Yeah. I
Executive Producer Tania: mean, if we consider Chicago east coast.
Steve Kondrick: It’s east from here, so I’ll allow it.
Executive Producer Tania: So here’s the thing. Like, so when I lived in Detroit, everybody was like, Oh, that’s Midwest. And I was like, but you guys all consider Chicago East [00:20:00] coast.
And that is six hours West of here. How come she’s not getting a hard time saying Illinois East coast. Oh, people will say Chicago’s East coast. And it’s like, no, I’m sorry. Detroit in Michigan is at least on East coast time.
Crew Chief Eric: What Tanya is referring to is the beaches of Pennsylvania,
Executive Producer Tania: Pennsylvania is closer to the actual coastline.
And I didn’t mean that it’s on the coastline much like she’s doing. She’s insinuating. It’s part of the Eastern side of the U S
Steve Kondrick: Hey, it’s East of the Mississippi. That’s East coast.
Executive Producer Tania: It’s not a fly over state
Steve Kondrick: to fly through state. Trust me. You don’t want to have to change in Midway or O’Hare. Oh God. Midway.
So now we cut away after smelling all that desperation. And then we get a new scent. This one is Perspiration by Jeff Bridges as he’s running laps. And look, Jeff Bridges is a handsome man, especially with the beard. Like, I mean, I’m used to him being clean cut, like in Tron and Starman and stuff like that.
With the [00:21:00] beard, I’m like, all right, I get it.
Steve Kondrick: get it. Now the hair slicked back. Never really seen him as like sex icon Jeff Bridges.
Executive Producer Tania: What the Big Lebowski didn’t do it for you. That was
Steve Kondrick: just like looking in a mirror. So obviously raw sex, but
Executive Producer Tania: I just want to put this out there. Steve did not win the Big Lebowski lookalike contest at our local Big Lebowski fest, and I did not win the Walter lookalike contest
Steve Kondrick: to be fair.
The guy that. One for Walter, who’s like nine years in a row because he basically is John Goodman. Yeah, John Goodman the third or something. John Goodman would lose that.
Executive Producer Tania: I was glad the Chihuahua came up like third. They dressed the Chihuahua up in the dude’s sweater and it won like third place. Sorry, we have Big Lebowski Festival here in town.
They’ve been doing it for like 15 years
Steve Kondrick: or something? Yeah, 10, 12. Yeah, maybe 15. I don’t know. A while. Yeah, check it out, Ogden, Utah. Uh, what happens? Oh yeah, so his buddy, uh, Dorian Harewood, Tommy, he comes and he’s basically like, Hey, heard you got cut. That sucks, [00:22:00] bro. You know, Jake may have a job for you.
Who’s Jake? Good old James Woods. James Woods, who they also casually mentioned. Yeah, he got stabbed like last week. That was a good time to talk to him and not get involved in a bunch of bullshit. I’m like, Actually, it’s quite the opposite. Like, he just got stabbed. He’s probably up to his neck in bullshit right now.
Executive Producer Tania: Oh, a baby faced James Woods.
Steve Kondrick: Oh yeah, he was young there. Is he not baby faced anymore?
Executive Producer Tania: Oh no, no, honey. Have the ravages
Steve Kondrick: of time finally caught up with James Woods?
Crew Chief Eric: He looks like Hades now from Hercules.
Executive Producer Tania: He does. Oh, shit. Well, he sort of looks like if He looks like Mr. Roper. Sure! Fact! The first picture when you Google James Wood, and he comes up, the left hand picture, Mr.
Frickin Roper.
Steve Kondrick: Norman fell. Yeah, so the next morning we’re at the beach. We see James Wood’s trying to get the attention of his dog, Sam. He’s like, come here, buddy! The dog, I swear, was gonna run right through the middle of this volleyball match they’re watching. It’s
Executive Producer Tania: the whole, like, thing, that, like, yeah, the dog was getting involved, was, like, biting [00:23:00] at the ball.
Steve Kondrick: And then we find out he’s involved with the gambling, and I’m like, has he trained that dog to interfere with matches? Because I could totally see that being a plot point later. Yeah, basically like, Oh, so I heard you might have a job. I just want you to know I’m not working for you. James was like, Hey, whatever.
None. I’m your buddy. Remember? I’m just doing this gambling thing. Hey, just check out my new car. Want to race? I just bought this. Looks like you’ve got a brand new car, right? Beautiful black Ferrari too. Eric, I think you need to take this next part away where we’re talking about the race. Because
Executive Producer Tania: I mean, if your two best since monitor isn’t going off too much,
Mountain Man Dan: I explained to Eric after watching his first time, I was like, dude, why didn’t you just send me like the clip of this portion?
Or about the watch is like, All I saw in this movie worth watching. Yeah,
Steve Kondrick: it was all in the trailer, too. That was the thing. It is. It’s
Crew Chief Eric: a lot of the trailer. And unfortunately, the car chase scene, unlike a lot of movies of the era, is in the first, like, 15 minutes of the movie. And you’re like, I got an hour and 45 left to go.
Like, what are we going to do now?
Executive Producer Tania: I was hoping it was setting us up. Like, my loins were frothed for more of this the [00:24:00] whole movie.
Crew Chief Eric: I have to say, from a cinematic perspective, it was a Good chase scene. It was reminiscent of some of the seventies chase scenes. The stunts were good. There were a couple of cringe moments where James Woods, especially in the Ferrari kind of pulls out against traffic.
And you’re like, is he going to make it? I was like, Oh, that’s close. Like even the stunt guy was probably having a code Brown moment. Doing these stunts because they were really really close and they were really really tight What I also like and you guys have heard me complain about before about using cars and films and chase scenes Is the audio portion of it and what was great about this was the audio was the 911 And the Ferrari, they were legit, never forget.
So that was nice because it’s not like, Oh, it’s a Mustang, you know? And you’re like, uh, you know, that’s gross. Like some of the stuff you did on Miami vice. But in this case, it all went together. It gelled the two stunt drivers did a really good job. They came really close. They were like door to door a lot of the time.
And it was [00:25:00] very well done. I’m not sure what road they were on, but it looked like they were actually on some of those LA close to the Canyon roads. Not like a Mulholland, but almost going down into the valley. And it was like, they closed the road to do this.
Steve Kondrick: And this was very well, or did they? Yeah, that was my thing.
I’m like, I hope those are stunt drivers coming the other way. Cause otherwise they might get hit then shot.
Crew Chief Eric: And it was just long enough where some car chasings now are too short or it’s like. Fast and the furious where it takes 10 minutes to drive an Alfa Romeo on an airplane, you know, kind of deal.
Yeah. A
Steve Kondrick: 17 mile runway. It
Crew Chief Eric: makes no sense. So in this case, it’s like they didn’t use the same piece of road over and over again. It kept going. It was a couple minutes long. I love how they were sort of shouting at each other that antagonism, like, Hey, screw you buddy, but we’re going to send it, you know? So it was fun.
It was playful. And I was like, cool. This is an interesting, again, a twist, like the fourth one in 15 minutes. Cause we went from Cozumel to Cozumel. To football camp, to the lawyer, to this car [00:26:00] chase. And I’m like, this movie is really sporadic, but this could be a lot of fun. And so like Izzy, I’m like, I’m all fired up.
I’m like, I’m here for all
Mountain Man Dan: of this. How have I not heard about this movie? Some movies like they’ll have, you know, a character or something that kind of disappears for a portion of it. Well, in this one, you know, James Wood at the beach had the dog. Well, the dog is his passenger Ferrari the whole time during this race.
And you can see the dog various points in the car throughout the chasing. So I like that fact that they didn’t just take the dog out of the picture.
Steve Kondrick: And the dog could give zero shits about what they’re doing to the dog. It’s just like, yeah, this is a Tuesday. I don’t even have a seatbelt on like whatever, dude.
Executive Producer Tania: By the way, I do just want to say it is totally cruel to have a Samoyed, an Alaskan sled dog in Los Angeles.
Crew Chief Eric: Although this is a gorgeous dog. Really well trained dog. Really good looking dog. And to Dan’s point, the continuity. I like that as well. Like a lot of these movies, it’s like, well, that was a jump cut.
Uh, we’ll go back and do that over again.
Executive Producer Tania: So all of that, this car chase is so [00:27:00] good. And then he comes around the corner and there’s a parked garbage truck and he goes from doing probably like 60, 70, whatever they’re flying around the corner in and he’s just like, and he stops in like two car lengths.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, then he like puts it in park, puts on the hazard lights, like he’s done, I guess. And it’s like, there’s no other cars. You could just like go in the other lane right behind James Woods. That was like one of the few times there was nobody else on the road. I think it was the only
Crew Chief Eric: time the lanes were clear.
That shows the incredible stopping capability of the Porsche 911. But additionally, signals they didn’t have the budget
Steve Kondrick: to wreck it. It goes from 120 to zero in two seconds. But the other way around it’s like two minutes because you got to like wind it up. I guess, uh, you know It will not pass a bus or a garbage truck a railroad crossing.
It’s actually jeff’s 911 It’s his daily driver. Like he’s like no
Crew Chief Eric: we’re not doing this
Steve Kondrick: I
Mountain Man Dan: just got a call from the team, you can afford another.
Steve Kondrick: Did somebody yell cut? So we get to like James Woods bar that I [00:28:00] guess is like under construction. Uh, call it the palace. Basically like, yeah, yeah, it’s gonna be my new, uh, my new legit thing.
You know, uh, getting out of the gambling. And he’s like, no, you’re not, whatever. I can offer you a job. You know, if you want, you can be a celebrity, you know, bartender here and, or be security or whatever. And I’m like, You know, celebrity bartender’s not that bad, Jeff.
Izzy Fischer: Right?
Steve Kondrick: Maybe, maybe that’s the gig that ends up paying more, and you don’t have to do shady shit for James Woods.
Just throwing that out there.
Executive Producer Tania: I mean
Steve Kondrick: Even security, it’s like, let’s be real, it’s gonna be a cakewalk. But then instead, he’s like, Alright, well, I got a real job for you, here. Find this chick. She stole 50k from me. And like, who is it? Oh, it’s uh, the owner of the LA Outlaws daughter. I’ve been banging her for the past year or whatever, and she stole some money from me and can’t seem to find her.
Executive Producer Tania: Oh wait, and she’s the one who stabbed me in the leg.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, that’s true. And I’m like, ah, it’s all coming together.
Mountain Man Dan: And she also owns the dog, we find out later. Oh, he is her dog. That’s
Crew Chief Eric: right. Sam the dog, yeah. And then apparently, James Woods has some dirt on [00:29:00] Jeff Bridges, like some blackmail stuff that we never come to find out, or do we?
Yeah, we do.
Executive Producer Tania: We do.
Crew Chief Eric: Yeah, what was it?
Executive Producer Tania: It’s that he told Oh,
Steve Kondrick: the point shaving thing, yeah, that’s right. Yeah, that
Executive Producer Tania: he threw the game, was gonna throw the game.
Steve Kondrick: He did throw the game,
Executive Producer Tania: I think.
Steve Kondrick: We’ll get to that when we get to that, because I had some questions about that too. Basically, Jeff Bridges is like, Okay, cool, I’ll, uh, take your money and I’ll find this chick.
And he’s like all indignant and stuff about it. I’m like, this isn’t how you get one up on James Woods. This is just, you casually take the money and then, I don’t know, disappear if you want. He goes to see the owner of the LA Outlaws, you know, the parents, basically, the mom and the stepdad. And he’s basically like, Hey, so, uh, remember running to your daughter a couple months ago?
Any idea where she’s at? Might be hanging out. And the owner is instantly like, Jake sent you, didn’t he? I’m not buying this bullshit. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter. I don’t football team. And then she’s basically like, you know, I’ll pay you double if you can find her or just take care of Jake, keep them busy so that, you know, she can live her life.
Or she says something like watch over her for us or something like that. And I’m like, Jeff, [00:30:00] consider the options, man. Like,
Steve Kondrick: But of course, he’s all digging like, I’m not a spy, man. You kind of are, like, that’s the whole point of what you’re doing.
Executive Producer Tania: And then he’s like, actually, I’m just here to get, like, my old job back.
Can’t just fire me because I have a broken arm?
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, I’m like, you know, a
Crew Chief Eric: receiver. I just want to play football, man. I thought generic white guy, stepdad, football owner team could also have been played by Ted Knight. The casting call for this movie, we already had these all stars. When can we bring him in for this?
Ah, the budget. That’s what it was. Yes. Hey,
Steve Kondrick: maybe he was busy doing a murder. She wrote or something. I don’t know, man. There’s some party for like, they’re opening up some Canyon preserve, or I don’t know exactly what was going on here. It has a nice view of LA. That’s all that matters. And so they’re at this.
Party where they’re like fundraiser and some environmentalist crash and we get oh politics are involved. Of course they are It’s la with rich whites. We get it blah blah blah who cares move on
Crew Chief Eric: So this was some ivory tower stuff going on here as we come to discover later Like there was a quote that I [00:31:00] wrote At one point where they were saying, you know, we’ve come up here to leave the city behind us.
Yeah, they’re building these mansions looking down on all the plebeians in the city. Right. And I was like, what is this? I mean, this just reeks of Gordon Gecko all over
Steve Kondrick: the place. I was like, this is awful. Look, as someone who lives high up on a mountain, overlooking the poor, as I understand. So what happens for me?
Yeah, so yeah, there’s like a whole thing where he like confronts his uh, lawyer again, uh, Saul Rubenek and like tosses him into the band. He’s like, Oh, you, you screwed me, man. You’re screwing me, blah, blah, blah. Like, yeah, that’s what lawyers do. So then he’s off to Cozumel.
Crew Chief Eric: I visto esta mujer,
Steve Kondrick: I
Crew Chief Eric: visto esta mujer,
Steve Kondrick: here we go again.
The best part about this little montage of him asking that question is there’s one point where he’s like, he looks at the picture of, you know, Rachel Ward, like smiling at the camera, blah, blah, blah. And then looks at a woman who’s like [00:32:00] suntanning. Are you identifying this woman based on her back to that picture?
Executive Producer Tania: It was the dark curly hair. He saw the dark curly hair.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, yeah, dark curly hair in Mexico. You’re not gonna find that anywhere. What was the show where there was, like, the app that you could, like, photo the back of anybody’s head and it would tell you what the front of it looks like? Wasn’t that, like, on 30 Rock?
I know the app that turns Dan into a woman. I’ve seen
Crew Chief Eric: that one. It’s pretty good. Go on. No, but to your point, I busted out laughing at this part because she’s barking at him in Spanish. Again, this is another point in the movie where I’m entertained. I’m like, I wasn’t expecting a twist, right? It’s like M.
Night Shyamalan. And then I’m like, wait, I got to translate what she’s yelling. They let that go for a while. And I’m like, it just became. Too fast and I was like, whatever. I mean, basically you’re like, you’re a pervert. Get out of here. You know, what are you doing? I’m like, okay. Well, you didn’t need to overreact like that.
I thought that
Steve Kondrick: was funny. It was a little bit of levity. And then he peels off on a mohawk head after that. I’m like, wait, where’s that thing from earlier? Ah, it doesn’t matter. Maybe someone else is running [00:33:00] it now. Couple scenes where he’s like getting a call from Jake and he’s like, hello? Oh yeah. I haven’t found her yet.
Well, I wasn’t expecting to find her in the yellow pages or anything. Okay,
Crew Chief Eric: let me ask you a question about this. Okay. Who answers their phone, sweaty, with their shirt open, glistening, and then, did you notice the background music? No. It was the acoustic version. To Phil Collins’s Against All Odds, right? The name of the title of the movie itself.
Take a look at me now. Exactly.
Crew Chief Eric: It has two titles, right? But yeah, even my wife pointed out, she’s like, You hear that? That’s the Genesis song. And I’m like, It is. And then it dawned on me. I was like, Ooh, wait, I wonder. Oh, shoot.
Executive Producer Tania: It’s hot. In Mexico. He has to have his shirt open.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, yeah, I was gonna say, it sounds like Eric’s never been to Mexico.
Like, he picks it up all sweaty with their shirt off. And
Crew Chief Eric: Steve every morning.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah,
Crew Chief Eric: but you play like romantic music and he’s talking to James Woods. Talk about just flatlining the scene.
Steve Kondrick: Well, that’s, that’s the other thing with this movie. Like [00:34:00] the music score or whatever. Like, yeah, there’s like the acoustic version of a Phil Collins song, which is very 80s.
I get it.
Executive Producer Tania: Sorry, but fuck Phil Collins.
Steve Kondrick: Babe, how do you really feel about Phil Collins though? I mean, he divorced his wife with a
Executive Producer Tania: fax? Something like that?
Steve Kondrick: Have you not forgiven him for leaving Genesis or whatever? Or was that No, no, I haven’t
Executive Producer Tania: forgiven him for all of Tarzan and all of Spirits, Stallion and Cimarron, and I was a nanny during That was Ryan
Executive Producer Tania: Sure, it’s Phil Collins. He was Tarzan. I don’t know about the other ones. I don’t forgive him for being owned by Disney during the time when I was Well, I was a nanny because that’s all I heard.
Steve Kondrick: All right. Well,
Executive Producer Tania: Oh, is
Steve Kondrick: he Australian, right? Or was that just English? Trying to remember the South Park. It’s
Mountain Man Dan: funny you guys mentioned the Phil Collins, because when Eric sent out the suggestion to watch this movie, I went on to attempt to find it.
Where I realized I already had it on my Plex. When I typed it in, the first thing that came up [00:35:00] was the music video for the Phil Collins Against the Odds. And I was like, okay. So then I started looking into it a little bit. Because I knew when he did the soundtrack for Tarzan and stuff like that. I was like, okay.
I was like, I thought that was something he did later in his career. But apparently he started doing music for movies earlier on.
Crew Chief Eric: Where have you guys been? Am I the only Genesis fan left on the planet? Yes.
Steve Kondrick: Eric. Genesis was huge when I was two. The sledgehammer video. I think I was three and Peter Gabriel had already left.
Executive Producer Tania: I wanna be
Steve Kondrick: your sledgehammer. Oh, I almost forgot. He did actually find the girl randomly like at a market or whatever. That’s right. She pulled off on the moped after he was like trying to flirt with her or something. And she’s like, whatever, dude. Bye.
Crew Chief Eric: I
Steve Kondrick: love
Crew Chief Eric: the quote when he tries to pick her up just like casually like trying to play mr.
Cool, and he’s like, well, you know, there’s not much to do around here and she goes get off the island The fairy leaves every morning is Cozumel an island. No Cozumel is a coastline [00:36:00] The writing in this is just top notch.
Executive Producer Tania: I did like after this Jeff gives a call to James Woods And he was like, well, it’s not like I’m just gonna bump into her buying fruit or something.
Steve Kondrick: win, win, nudge, nudge. Yeah, I, you see James was the other end, like
Crew Chief Eric: that’s all specific . So at this point, we’re actually 38 minutes into the movie at this point. ’cause I made timestamps as I went along and I had to stop again and do some research because as she’s talking, I turned to my wife and I said, where is she from?
What accent is this? What affect is she trying to put on? So Rachel Wood is from Cornwell, England, and she’s trying to play an American. And just her American accent is not great. Well, she does sound rich.
Executive Producer Tania: Yeah, she does. Yeah. She kind of sounds like a Kennedy.
Steve Kondrick: The next day, she mentioned something about like taking the ferry.
We see Jeff Bridges playing chess with a kid, just waiting for her to show up at the ferry. And then he misses it. And then I guess he charters a boat to take him to the ruins of [00:37:00] Tulum, which is now a major cruise port. I’ve been there. It’s fantastic. They never mentioned a Jeff Bridges movie being shot there.
And I was kind of disappointed about that. But I was looking at those like, Oh yeah, I got pictures of all. This is great.
Executive Producer Tania: Been there.
Steve Kondrick: And of course, Tulum and Cozumel, beautiful, like light blue beaches with the water and the sand and just heaven on earth. So it’s like, okay, cool. They definitely got their location scout.
I hope you got a bonus for this one.
Crew Chief Eric: So
Steve Kondrick: next time
Crew Chief Eric: you go, are you going to be the nerd standing there going, did you know that they filmed the Jeff Bridges movie?
Mountain Man Dan: Only if the steam room is involved. Uh, more on that later. And Jeff Bridges was there waiting for her to come and catch the ferry. It actually wasn’t chess.
He was playing field checkers and they were using beer caps. Oh, that makes sense. That’s right. Cause that’s all, and I was like, okay, I might have to start cleaning some beard caps since I’ve lost a bunch of checks.
Steve Kondrick: See the kid pop a couple Coronas or whatever, like, haha, I got another bond here. She’s there like drawing or painting or whatever.
Jeff Bridges walks up like, oh, so we run into each other [00:38:00] again. Of course, she’s like, all right, who sent you? Was it my parents or was it Jake? And he’s like, What are you talking about? I’m just here trying to hit on a hot chick. I saw once that just happens to be in Cozumel with me, and I’m like, yeah, whatever.
Yeah. He starts playing like hard to get, if this works, like spoilers, it does because she just pops up in his hotel room later, knock at the door like she’s housekeeping.
Executive Producer Tania: How is it that he’s there for like, what a week? Have you seen this Moher? Have you seen this Moher in like, what an hour? She finds him.
Steve Kondrick: Mm-Hmm. . She’s a good detective.
Crew Chief Eric: There’s a couple other good detectives in this. The other thing too, is he’s broke as all get out. He’s got the money from James Woods, right? He gave him 10 grand and he said he would pay him another 20 when he got
Executive Producer Tania: back.
Crew Chief Eric: He’s already been on the island for like a week.
Executive Producer Tania: He spent like 10.
Crew Chief Eric: 25 cents a day. Yeah. Yeah. He owns Cozumel now with 10 grand. But the distance from LA to Cozumel in the 80s, gotta [00:39:00] remember, you know, it’s not Southwest Airlines budget want to get away flight. It’s 3100 miles away.
Executive Producer Tania: I thought the other guy paid for that flight.
Crew Chief Eric: There’s some money transacting here that doesn’t add up.
13 million dollar budgeter.
Executive Producer Tania: I mean, what, you wanted to watch him on the plane for, like, X hours? Yeah, yeah. He, he, Eric wants to
Steve Kondrick: see him smoking on the airplane. Nobody
Executive Producer Tania: cared to see his plane trip.
Steve Kondrick: Nobody
Crew Chief Eric: cared to see him shirtless again either, but here we go. I’m sorry, some of us are going to beg to differ.
Executive Producer Tania: I mean, he had a six pack or an eight pack. You know, on that note, I’m gonna take my shirt off right now. Wait, babe, be careful. We’re out of gun butter.
Steve Kondrick: Luckily, I got this Sierra Nevada pale ale I can
Executive Producer Tania: just
Steve Kondrick: rub on my top body here. Oh, my top. So anyway, then she invites them over to her studio or whatever, which, by the way, must be nice to have a studio directly on the beach where I think it’s also a stop on the Carnival Cruise.
Executive Producer Tania: You mean the [00:40:00] studio that no one knows where it is and you go down the road till you see the three beer cans dangling off a tree branch and then you make a right and you keep going?
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, those directions are insane.
Crew Chief Eric: She gave him a distance, she said 19 kilometers out of town to find the out of town
Steve Kondrick: to find a couple beer caps or whatever.
Yeah. It was like, all right, then you take a ride at the tree with the yellow dog next to it as is tradition in his VW. Fine. We get to see it finally.
Executive Producer Tania: All right. So Steve, you have to go and then you’re in turn left at the cow. Not that cow, the other cow, the cow was in the barn. So you just got to be careful there, but you can make a left.
When you see the cow, not the first cow, the other cow, and then you’re gonna go until there’s a tree. Now, there’s a lot of trees, but you want that tree. It’s the one.
Steve Kondrick: My biggest thing with this studio, it’s just like two walls and like a bunch of art shit up. It’s a lean to. Is there not monsoon season in Cozumel?
I don’t know if she’s
Executive Producer Tania: been there.
Steve Kondrick: Or high tides, or, I don’t know. But
Executive Producer Tania: she’s only been there for like, Or whatever, right? Like, [00:41:00] You
Crew Chief Eric: took
Executive Producer Tania: issue with that?
Crew Chief Eric: Yes. I took issue with the medieval undergarments that she was wearing. What was that? Was that a nightgown? Was that a smock? Did she just escape the mental hospital?
Like, what was she
Executive Producer Tania: wearing? I’m sorry, it’s called a caftan, and it’s something that ladies of a certain age wear.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, she wanted to keep sand
Crew Chief Eric: out of there.
Executive Producer Tania: Yeah.
Crew Chief Eric: I don’t know that she wore undergarments much in this movie. When she shows up with that burlap sack. It’s called a caftan.
Executive Producer Tania: It’s sort of like a Moo Moo, but with less stitching.
Steve Kondrick: It was terrible. So then they start talking, and this is where the movie starts becoming super dramatic. She’s talking about like, Oh yeah, Jake was a fling. I was just basically banging him to get back at my parents. Also, my brother killed himself. I’m like, what? My god, I am getting so rock hard at this passion.
I cannot concentrate. Blood is rushing elsewhere.
Executive Producer Tania: Babe, it’s a sob story, so she’s gonna get a blowjob.
Steve Kondrick: She was giving the sob story, so she’s getting the blowjob? Yeah, she’s getting a blowjob.
Executive Producer Tania: That’s what I said. She’s getting a blowjob. That explains
Steve Kondrick: why Jeff Bridges is like, So I gotta [00:42:00] go, you know, as a sane man would do.
And she’s like, but Why? Why’d you fucking come here if we weren’t gonna fuck? You know, basically. And I’m like, good point. And then it just got super awkward. Take it away, because my next note is kissing like horses eating an apple.
Crew Chief Eric: You just read my mind. I just fallen out of her chair. It was so bad. I don’t know.
I expected it to be typical 80s, kind of sensual, just
Steve Kondrick: romantic scene.
Crew Chief Eric: Saxophone. Some Kenny G. None of that. Your analogy is 100 percent correct. These horses.
Steve Kondrick: And then it’s a montage of them like diving down into the ocean to, I don’t know, look for pearls and drowned and then just a lot of like licking and again, back to the, the horse kisses and then dancing and then, and then having the world’s worst wet t shirt contest when they just kind of like leave the dance party to go take a dip in the water and random butt cheeks.
I mean, it was
Crew Chief Eric: [00:43:00] everything you didn’t want in a sex scene. It was terrible. Oh my God, I saw more of Jeff Bridges tongue than I think I ever need to see in my life. Oh,
Steve Kondrick: so gross. And then when the montage is over, it’s like, man, it’s been a great two weeks. I’m like, really? Okay, here we go.
Crew Chief Eric: That blew my mind. I literally said to myself, and I wrote it on my notepad.
I said, how long has he been there? That exact next note, it’s like, it was a wonderful two weeks. I’m like, oh, what?
Steve Kondrick: And then this is where, uh, I guess Jeff Bridges just nutted. And so he has to like, spill his deepest, darkest secret to this woman. Where it’s like, so yeah, there was this time where like the point spread in the football game was four points and the ball was coming my way and I want to get a touchdown.
But I was like, Running math in my head. So I like dropped the,
Executive Producer Tania: no, but he caught it.
Steve Kondrick: It sounded like he like caught it and then like threw it out of bounds or something.
Executive Producer Tania: He caught it and he ran and he made it to the five yard line. He said, and then he got tackled and he fumbled the [00:44:00] ball. It had just let it go.
And then he was like, if somebody else on the team would have done that, you would be like, Finding me in jail or whatever he said. I don’t even know
Steve Kondrick: by the end of the story Like he’s like damn near crying and everything. I just wanted her to be like that’s the stupidest story I’ve heard in my life Did I tell you my brother killed himself and i’ve been banging james woods for the last year and that’s the best you’ve got Okay,
Crew Chief Eric: and you know what?
She says instead she goes I wish I’d seen you play football.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, it was totally a, I wasn’t paying attention, but you know what? I’m sure you’re good at what you do.
Crew Chief Eric: This was the worst pillow talk
Mountain Man Dan: in a movie ever. Her mother owns a team. How does she never watch a single game?
Executive Producer Tania: I don’t know. Do you watch the games your mom owns?
I don’t know. What? I’m kidding.
Steve Kondrick: So the appeal of this is like, Eric, if you’re like having that moment of post nut clarity and you’re talking about the time you and your uncle were like working on a car, but then the jack gave way and crushed your uncle under it. And your wife’s response was something like, [00:45:00] Oh man, I would have been a great ride in that car along the coast.
Crew Chief Eric: I wish I could have
Executive Producer Tania: ridden with
Steve Kondrick: you in
Crew Chief Eric: the car. Yeah. Right. I mean, eww. The whole thing was just. Forced from beginning to end. It was awful. You know, we talked about in Corvette Summer, how there was no chemistry between Mark Hamill and Annie Potts. This was a thousand times worse. Like, they had zero on screen chemistry.
Executive Producer Tania: She legit looks like she just has disdain for Jeff Bridges. Right,
Steve Kondrick: everyone?
Executive Producer Tania: I don’t
Steve Kondrick: get it. Disdain for literally everyone in the world. She has disdain for
Executive Producer Tania: living.
Steve Kondrick: I don’t know, man. She’s
Executive Producer Tania: skinny and pretty.
Steve Kondrick: So?
Executive Producer Tania: So that’s all you need. Coke’s
Steve Kondrick: big in the 80s. There’s a
Executive Producer Tania: lot
Steve Kondrick: of skinny girls.
Executive Producer Tania: Trust me. She’s skinny and pretty.
She gets everything she wants.
Crew Chief Eric: There’s a lot of Coke in this movie too. Did you notice that? Coca Cola?
Mountain Man Dan: Yeah, that
Executive Producer Tania: kind. Coca Cola. I think
Mountain Man Dan: we’ll get to it. For the Mark Hamill Annie Potts thing, at least there, she was trying to be a lady of the road or, you know, prostitute. So that alone would, it’s not like going to be intimate, although they did try to play it that way, but that is [00:46:00] more believable than this movie.
Steve Kondrick: Well, yeah, this is why you don’t give hoes all the money, because if they have all the money, then they become this person as opposed to Annie Butts. That’s what we’re talking about, right? Well, we haven’t even crescendoed yet on this thing. So let’s just keep
Steve Kondrick: Yeah. So, and then she also casually went like, Oh, I’d love to watch you play, by the way, I didn’t steal that money from Jake.
And he’s instantly like, wait, what? We should run off together. What?
Executive Producer Tania: No, no, no, no. She didn’t. She said, my mom cut off the trust fund. I’m out of money. I have to go home. And he was like, what about the money from Jake? And then she was like, I never took any of the money from Jake. Why would I take money from him if I was trying to get out from under him?
And then he was like, Oh, well, I have money from Jake. Should we just run off together?
Steve Kondrick: Yeah. He’ll just forget about that shit. Cut to like 10 days later after he’s like, tried to throw Jake off his trail by, I assume, just racking up airline miles to Mexico city and, uh, other cities. He
Executive Producer Tania: knew somebody was on his trail.
Trail. So he was, yeah, just flying around to like a million different cities and she was really bored in a small town. So her life is the worst. [00:47:00] Ooh.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah. So this is when they’re like, uh, again, the, the Mayan ruins there at a Tulum or whatever, and they’re like, Chichen Itza, right? That’s where she wanted to go.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Chichen Itza. That’s right. That’s the one with the pyramids and stuff.
Executive Producer Tania: Yeah, and she was like, ugh, everything here is absolutely the worst. Absolutely fucking terrible. You’ll see when you get here. And then she takes him to like, absolutely stunning places.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, and they see the hieroglyphs about like, the way Mayans used to play football, basically.
Where he’s like, oh look, they even have like, chin straps and stuff. And like, yeah, but if you lost, you gotta execute it. And if you won, you sometimes gotta execute it. And if you met him in the game,
Executive Producer Tania: you might have gotten executed. Yeah.
Steve Kondrick: And if you called the referee a racial epithet, you were beheaded. And it’s like, you know, maybe not too bad.
Crew Chief Eric: High lie
Steve Kondrick: was a brutal sport. That’s all I’m going to say. Right.
Crew Chief Eric: Wait, was it highlight? Well, that
Steve Kondrick: was the one with the big scoop pan things or whatever.
Crew Chief Eric: That was a highlight court. I mean, that’s what the Mayans played. That was their sport. And that’s what she was talking about. For
Steve Kondrick: some reason, I thought that was
Crew Chief Eric: like
Steve Kondrick: Middle Eastern, but
Crew Chief Eric: anyway.
Steve Kondrick: No,
Crew Chief Eric: and [00:48:00] it was cool that they were making that parallel to modern football and rugby to high life, even though it shares some properties with like lacrosse and all that. But that was a fun for me as a history nerd. I was like, this is cool. I’ve also seen this on ancient alien. So we’re all good now.
Executive Producer Tania: Look, just because white people didn’t do it doesn’t mean it’s aliens.
Crew Chief Eric: Chupacabra. That’s all I’m going to say.
Executive Producer Tania: Look, I have solved the chupacabra. Just look up a sloth skeleton.
Crew Chief Eric: Well, speaking of looking up, what about that upskirt as she’s coming down? Who is the key grip on this scene in particular? I was like, what are we doing now?
Steve Kondrick: Uh, looking it up, it looks like it was Bowbridges.
Interesting. Yeah, as I was around this time, she’s like, Oh yeah, by the way, I did steal Jake’s money. It’s in Mexico City, by the way. And I’m like, Run, Jeff. Run fucking now. Go back to LA. Become a celebrity bartender. You’re a goddamn fool. And instead he’s like, You know I love you, right? But he does it in the creepiest, most alpha way possible, where he’s like, I [00:49:00] can never live without you.
You’re mine now. We can’t be apart. And I’m like, What the fuck is happening with this movie? Tanya, please explain. Uh,
Executive Producer Tania: twist
Steve Kondrick: movie. Got a movie. You
Crew Chief Eric: remember earlier I made notes. What do you mean about Jake’s? My, and then the, the movie sort of answers it as I’m thinking about these questions, I literally wrote down and I put a star and I said, How is this an R rated movie?
Eric, it’s
Steve Kondrick: funny you should ask, because then
Steve Kondrick: here we go. Jeff Bridges, I think, said something like, Hey, so I hear there’s like a sweat house in this place. Not to them, bare ass Fucking in these ancient ruins in what is like an ancient Mayan spa.
Executive Producer Tania: Yeah. The first thing I thought of was like, that is not something you do unless you want to incur the wrath of like the Incans and the Mayans.
Steve Kondrick: Chupacabra.
Executive Producer Tania: Curse upon you.
Mountain Man Dan: You imagine the Montezuma’s revenge she’s gonna get. So my thought [00:50:00] was the fact that there were other tourists there, a place like I would be all quiet. So they’d be in there going to town. So the echoing would just amplify out. It
Executive Producer Tania: was completely empty, the whole place. It was like by itself.
I was like, what kind of like temple is this where there’s nobody else?
Steve Kondrick: The cruise ship hasn’t pulled up. Like it’s a random Tuesday or something. Like, no, there’s people there. There’s park Rangers there. Like someone walking in, like. Hey, put your clothes on and get out of our sweat lodge. These are ancient ruins.
You’re going to get all of the diseases.
Crew Chief Eric: And then it became this weird montage of Incan carvings and body placement and crying. Yeah. I didn’t know if they were playing twister or searching for gold. What the hell was happening?
Steve Kondrick: The ancient Mayan ruin equivalent of rug burn in your B hole. That’s why she’s crying.
Executive Producer Tania: Don’t even mention the spiders. Oh yeah.
Steve Kondrick: Spiders and snakes and snakes
Executive Producer Tania: in her butt.
Steve Kondrick: Bottle caps from past. Tourists
Executive Producer Tania: asked me if I [00:51:00] wanted to fuck it. And by the way, it’s my mother watching the movie with us. And I said, no, because I don’t want snakes in any of our butts. And my mom agreed that neither of those things.
Crew Chief Eric: We’ve been talking about the budget of this film for quite a bit now, and I understand where it all went in this scene. How much Johnson Johnson baby oil did they use? Like, I’ve never seen people so shiny in my life.
Executive Producer Tania: So you’ve never seen a Fast Furious movie?
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, same. Eric’s never been to Mexico during the summer.
Executive Producer Tania: No, but you can buy gun butter by the barrel.
Crew Chief Eric: Yeah, it was just wow. They were bronze. I mean, they might as well have been statues. It was just unreal.
Steve Kondrick: No, there were statues there, Eric, and they weren’t covered in gun butter, except the ones they were fucking on. You know, they were
Crew Chief Eric: more convincing than these two were in terms of their chemistry.
Again, it was even more awkward than the previous love scenes. Oh, the body placements alone. I was like, is this a Pilates class? Like, what are you guys [00:52:00] doing to show off their youthful, flexible, taunt body Jeff Bridges. Look good. I’m not going to say
Mountain Man Dan: in the midst of all this, then the coach, Oh my God. The assistant coach solely shows up randomly.
I’m like, Uh, hello, welcome back. You’re in a public touristy place and you’re amazed someone pops their head in and hearing y’all boning. You’re
Steve Kondrick: like, Sully, what are you doing here? I’m on a cruise. Right? What the fuck are you doing here? Banging in the ancient ruins of Chichen Itza. Well, the best part is he’s like, well, you weren’t hard to find.
Crew Chief Eric: I’m like, this is the eighties, man. How are you tracking this guy? By what magic? Are
Steve Kondrick: you
Crew Chief Eric: a time traveler?
Steve Kondrick: By phone calls from Cozumel. It’s not that hard. And then he’s like, yeah, Jake sent me and then pulls a gun out. And he’s like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, let’s talk about this. Like, what does he have on you?
You’re like, and that’s all it takes. And then there’s a fight despite, and there’s a ledge. Oh no. Jeff Bridges can get thrown over the ledge. And we’re only an hour into this movie, 62 [00:53:00] minutes at this point. And then slowly like kind of tosses them to the side and Jeff Bridges like hits his head or whatever.
And then the coach starts like. Hey, hey, Terry, you okay? I’m like, wait, did he have a change of heart or something? Like, hey, it’s okay. I’m sorry, man. Look, let’s get you to the hospital. You’re going to be just fine. But then, uh, Jessica, that’s right. That’s her name in this movie. She grabs the gun that’s like on the floor.
And he’s like, bitch, stop, get help. Give me that gun. Pow. Roll credits, guys. What do we think? No, there’s more.
Crew Chief Eric: Ah, yeah, we’re at the halfway point of this travesty. Another quote, I wrote it down because, you know, he’s there consoling Sully and, Sully, it’s gonna be okay. Maybe I’ll stop the bleeding as he just tries to compress the bullet hole that’s right at his heart.
I’m like, really? Okay,
Steve Kondrick: he said maybe Jessica’s like, yeah, I don’t need this shit and fucking runs and Jeff Bridges like where are you going? I thought we were gonna like love this. Okay So then he ends up carrying sully’s corpse through the ruins of chichen itza to another stop on the tour And nobody noticed [00:54:00] Nobody noticed
Crew Chief Eric: a guy carrying another guy.
Executive Producer Tania: Well, there was nobody around, so of course they didn’t.
Crew Chief Eric: I don’t care if it’s monsoon season, someone saw them. You guys didn’t see the kids playing in the highlight field?
Executive Producer Tania: The whole beginning of the movie, just to go back, where he’s like, have you seen this woman? Do you think any of them are going to say anything?
After the first person he asked, I was like, none of these MFers are going to say they’ve seen this woman. Gringo, get the
Steve Kondrick: hell out. Get out of here, gringo. Yo, Emigra, Emigra. It’s terrible. Dumps his body into one of those, uh, what are they called? The cenotes or whatever. And uh, yeah, just another beautiful spot on the tour and like, yeah, he’s tied to a rock.
He’ll be fine. They’ll never find him. Oh yeah. She went back to his hotel room, stole all of his money and flew off. You would think that would be roll credits, right? We cut to him being back in LA. Like what did we find out? It was like two months later, some shit like that. Basically, he walks up to James Woods and is like, Hey, I quit.
I’m not looking for her anymore. And James Woods is like, What are you, what the fuck are you talking about? [00:55:00] You think I don’t know what’s going on? And like, basically he just implies like, I know what’s going on, you know, blah, blah, blah. But hey, I got another job for you so you can play football again. I still got the hooks, we’re still friends, whatever.
He’s like, no man, we’re not friends, whatever, blah, blah, blah. Jessica, what the fuck are you doing here? I’ve been looking for you for months. And she’s like, I’ve been here. Whatever. Unreal. Yeah, yeah, cool, yeah, we’re gonna miss Sully. Hey, you wanna watch a game? The whole rest of this movie, I’m like, just leave, dude.
We go to Jake’s Palace,
Crew Chief Eric: it’s open now, it’s complete.
Steve Kondrick: Oh, that’s right, yeah, he’s like, yeah, come on by the club tonight, you know, whatever, I’ll put you on the list. And so, yeah, that night, he shows up, and he’s still like, talking to James Woods, like, I don’t work for you, I just came here for the free booze or something.
And he says, I gotta get your stink off of me. I was like, that’s a good quote, I like that, it’s a good one. Yeah, so why’d you come to his place? Exactly! And then, he sits down next to a girl and I’m like, Is that Christy Swanson? Or Elizabeth Shue? Like, Steve’s interested in this girl. So I looked it up. Her name is Tamara Stafford.
She starred in three movies. This, The Hills Have Eyes [00:56:00] 2, and Riptide. And then called it a career, I guess.
Crew Chief Eric: She’s literally credited as Kirsch’s girlfriend.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah. Saul Rubinick’s girlfriend or whatever. And the way they
Crew Chief Eric: did her hair, I thought at first it was Edie, and they had redone her hair, kind of lightened her up, because they have almost a similar face.
And then I realized it was a different girl. And I’m like, okay, well, nevermind. That kind of breaks the illusion. We talked about it before,
Steve Kondrick: the music in this movie. We get incredible music performance from Sir Phil Cutler. Oh, no, I’m sorry. Kid Creole and the Coconut.
Executive Producer Tania: So I had to stop because I was like, wait a second.
I was like, is this kind of like interesting? This like first part of it. And I was like, is this real? So Kid Creole and the Coconut are in fact a very real group. Oh, yeah. Except the coconuts apparently have been rotating. Those first three that are in the movie were the original three coconuts. They left at some point, when I guess the first album was not a big success, so go figure.
And then he’s had a rotating past of coconuts since then.
Crew Chief Eric: You gotta keep them fresh.
Executive Producer Tania: You do. [00:57:00]
Crew Chief Eric: I don’t even know where to start with this. Izzy, do you want to talk about their unshaven armpits, or do we want to talk about the fact that he looks like DeBarge had a baby with Big Bad Voodoo Daddy? I was thinking of mysterious Lou Bega vibes.
Executive Producer Tania: Yeah, I mean, look, people can shave whether they want or not. I’m not here to judge. It’s a stylistic choice.
Crew Chief Eric: As a dancer? Yeah. All three of them? Is that a uniform requirement to not shave your bits? Maybe they’re like
Steve Kondrick: Pit Merkins or something. Hey, hey,
Crew Chief Eric: think about
Executive Producer Tania: it. Coconuts are hair .
Steve Kondrick: Yeah. There we go. Yeah.
That’s how you know the coconut is ripe, if you know what I’m saying.
Executive Producer Tania: Here’s the thing, at least you know they’re of age.
Steve Kondrick: Exactly.
Executive Producer Tania: You know, they’re old enough to grow hair. You don’t want
Steve Kondrick: no bold green coconut or whatever the hell.
Executive Producer Tania: I just broke him again
Steve Kondrick: and Eric’s gone. Alright, so then, uh,
Executive Producer Tania: we broke him.
This might’ve been better than the baseball bat with the four and a half [00:58:00] running around
in a circle. That’s right.
Mountain Man Dan: Oh, wow. So, I didn’t notice that the first time watching it. Just for the purpose of doing this time, I had it playing in the background muted while we were going over this.
Crew Chief Eric: See, this is what he does.
It’s just like trading paint. No.
Mountain Man Dan: Like I did it so I could see the things like we said, they had armpit hair. I didn’t notice that when I watched it. But then when you said it, I looked up at the screen. I’m like, Holy crap.
Steve Kondrick: They did. Yeah.
Mountain Man Dan: They like shimmer
Steve Kondrick: in the
Mountain Man Dan: light
Steve Kondrick: too. It’s like bleached. Yeah. Tentacles.
Executive Producer Tania: They like zoomed in on them. How’d you miss
Steve Kondrick: it? Zoom and enhance.
Mountain Man Dan: Later in the scene it looked like they were clean shaven.
Steve Kondrick: So speaking of getting arrested for harvesting underage things, James Woods has a job offer for you. For Jeff Bridges, he’s basically like, Hey, so, uh, Sully, he came to me because him and, uh, Kersh or whatever were, uh, trying to sell me out on some betting shit and fixing games and blah blah blah.
And basically, I need you to go get some files on Kersh because he has dirt on, like, everybody. But if you get these files, then we’re squared. You’ll never have to talk to me [00:59:00] again. You get your stink off or whatever the hell you keep saying, yet still showing up at my club. Okay, cool. I can do that. He confronts Kirsch in the bathroom.
In the bathroom!
Crew Chief Eric: Yes! Yeah! And I’ve just said, Oh, the 80s, cause he’s doing coke. Fuck yeah, he is. Man, this is like the third time this has happened in this movie, too. I mean, it’s like, what a trope. I’m like, okay, fine. But then there’s that Awful scene that kind of comes next between Jeff Bridges and Rachel Ward where they, it’s that awkward sexual tension that borderlines on sexual assault borderlines.
You say it was cringy as she, Oh
Executive Producer Tania: no, he a hundred percent sexually assaults her, but it turns out she’s into the rough trade. So
Steve Kondrick: yeah.
Crew Chief Eric: Rip my effing shirt off. I’m like, what?
Steve Kondrick: He’s going full. Blake. Mel Gibson in a South Park episode. Like, Oh, twist my nipples. Oh, Oh, you’ll never torture me. Ah, as he’s like putting himself in a fucking iron maiden.
Yeah. He’s like tearing his shirt off and she’s like screaming like for the cops. Like, [01:00:00] and then like, they
Crew Chief Eric: start crying. The writing at this point, I’m like, did they lose the plot entirely? Like, what is the point of this?
Steve Kondrick: The next morning, James Woods and Jessica, they’re chatting on the beach and she’s like, look, I’m not going to let me like, look, you’re not going to get away from me.
I’m going to live here forever. Nah, you know, whatever. Creepy bullshit. Yeah.
Crew Chief Eric: And James Woods says, you ruined my life and I’m not going to lose you. And I’m like, again, the writing, I’m like, this doesn’t make any sense. Is he on cocaine too? Probably jives at all. There’s some really weird transitions at this point in the movie.
Once we kind of hit that. Jake’s palace to the next part of this when we’re in the building and now it’s turned into sneakers.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah,
Crew Chief Eric: so it’s Sunday night. At Nakatomi Tower.
Steve Kondrick: Jeff Bridges has the keys to Steve’s office. First off, he starts off by running laps, of course. Because, you know, you want to get good and sweaty before you’re about to do a B& E.
So he goes to Kirsch’s office and he’s like looking through, breaks into a little thing, finds a bunch of [01:01:00] files, but pulls out one that says, Fuck you, Terry. That was so funny. And I’m like Just leave. Wipe everything down that you’ve touched. Just fucking leave. Nope. Instead, he’s like, I gotta go take a shit or something.
Goes into the bathroom. Catches Kirsch in the shower. Dead, dead, dead. I was hoping to see a little Saul Rubinak taking a shower. Like, oh, what are you doing here? Slip at his head, you know. Awkward Benny Hill kind of death or something, right? Nope, no, he’s just dead. Johnny on the spot security guard pops up and he’s like, Surprise, motherfucker.
Guess what? I owe James Wood some money, too. Jeff Bridges, like, shuts the door and, like, gets the gun from him and I guess knocks him out? But doesn’t kill him. He’s just never heard from again, even when, uh, Jeff Bridges apparently hides Kirsch’s body. So the transition from that scene where like knocked out the security guard and he’s like trying to move Kirsch’s body to him pulling up at the ginger man or whatever in the car.
And I’m like, are those bodies in the trunk of that Porsche? This is going to get really fun. Really
Crew Chief Eric: quick. The frunk of a nine 11 was designed to take a. Full set [01:02:00] of golf clubs. So if you fold a human the right way, it should fit in the front. Two humans, Eric. A Saul Rubenick
Steve Kondrick: and
Crew Chief Eric: a security guard. He’ll just carry him on his
Steve Kondrick: shoulders because nobody will notice in this movie.
They’ll notice him walking through the ginger man and hitting on Edie or whatever, yeah.
Mountain Man Dan: Why does he pick up a dead body he hadn’t touched? Cause then he could have just ran.
Steve Kondrick: Movie got a movie. As soon as you see the piece of paper that says, fuck you, Terry, you start dusting shit off and you fucking leave.
Executive Producer Tania: He was wearing gloves. He was wearing
Steve Kondrick: gloves. If you’re, okay, cool. Then you’re done. You know what you do? Go to the ginger man, establish your alibi with Edie, fuck her brains out. And then guess what? You wake up the next morning. You’re not a suspect. And maybe it is pretty
Crew Chief Eric: sweet. I don’t know. Your point, Steve.
This is like the hundredth time in this movie where it’s like, Jeff, Jeff, are you listening? Earth to Jeff, leave. Go do something else. Like, stop. Nope. He just keeps sending it. Scene after scene. Jeff, you’re
Steve Kondrick: acting like a Baldwin right now. I need you to act like a Bridges. Okay, [01:03:00] I need you to just be cool, dude.
You don’t need to use live ammo. So he goes to see Edie, who’s Kirsch’s secretary. Okay, cool. He’s gonna like establish an alibi and you know, blah, blah, blah. Like, I’ve seen Murder, She Wrote. I know how this stuff happens. Nope. Instead, he’s like, okay, so I got some bodies in the trunk. Kirsch is dead. I need you to break into his office and find these files.
Otherwise, I’m going to be in super duper trouble. And she’s so drunk at this point. She’s like, wait, what? Kirsch is dead? What are you saying? I gotta get some coffee or something. Like, no, no, no time. I need you to tell me where his secret stash is.
Crew Chief Eric: The treasure chest, she called it. I was like, what is happening now?
We’ve got a treasure tip. We’re on a hunt.
Steve Kondrick: And then Jeff Bridges is totally like gaslighting her. Like, Oh, you know what? They’ll kill you too. Once this all breaks, they’ll kill you too. And I’m like, no, they won’t. They don’t give a fuck about the secretary. Nope. Okay, so. We go back to
Crew Chief Eric: Nakatobi Tower.
Steve Kondrick: They go back to the office, cause Edie’s gotta go in and like, get the stash and whatever.
Blah, blah, blah. And this is where we’re introduced to star of [01:04:00] the movie, Ted White, as security guard with Doug. And he’s just the coolest motherfucker around. Like, I don’t know what it is about this guy. Like, he’d be cool to have a beer with. He’s a studman.
Crew Chief Eric: So the Doberman sitting there over Edie’s shoulder, just like, she’s like, your dog bothers me.
And I love how he delivers it just so deadpan. He’s like, he’s supposed to.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, exactly. Like this motherfucker gets it. Right? You know, she’s like, no, Jake told me to get here and get this stuff before the cops start
Mountain Man Dan: showing up. But in order to get into the safe, like she turns the radio on, like it’s like different things and then turns the dial and then it pops open a little door on the side.
That was
Crew Chief Eric: some James Bond
Steve Kondrick: shit right there. That was cool. Ring, ring, ring. Who is it? Security guy picks up. Oh, hey, Jake. Yeah, yeah, we’re almost done. The girl’s here getting all the stuff you wanted. You know, the papers that blah, blah, blah. And she like pulls the phone cord out of the wall or whatever and starts running.
He’s like, Hey, get your ass back here. And then Jeff Bridges comes out of left field and like starts fighting them. And he [01:05:00] enters like Hans Gruber slick back hair and the leather jacket and everything. I’m like, Oh man, here we go. They tussle a bit. And then Edie ends up taking like a letter opener.
Crew Chief Eric: Tussle.
He punt kicks him in the balls. Field goal right between the legs.
Steve Kondrick: People tussle differently. But yeah, he grabs this letter opener and stabs a security guard’s hand like into the door of the bathroom where he’s like, ah, fuck, fuck, fuck. They run with the secret stash of papers. Jessica goes to talk to her mom.
Crew Chief Eric: Yes. And enter another car into the equation. One of Tanya’s favorites. Did you see it? No.
Executive Producer Tania: You know what? I’m drawing a blank.
Crew Chief Eric: It was a gold SL convertible Mercedes. I don’t know. Like Rick drove a Magnum.
Executive Producer Tania: Maybe I wasn’t watching that part. Then
Crew Chief Eric: again, this is me
Executive Producer Tania: picking out cars.
Crew Chief Eric: I may have fallen asleep while my meal was being served to me.
Uh. I mean, generic white guy number one drives a Jag and Tommy drives a C4 Corvette. So I made a list of all the cars.
Steve Kondrick: As is tradition, as it should be for your podcast. Yeah, Jessica goes to see her mom [01:06:00] and her mom’s like, well, it’s good to see you’re in good health. And Jessica’s instantly like, let me talk to my stepdad.
I’m like, Why didn’t you just ask for him? Have one of the guys handing out drinks or whatever, like, Hey, could you go tap Ben on the shoulder and tell him his stepdaughter is outside here? But anyway, we had the Ben, the stepdad, and she’s basically like, look, Jake is doing some seedy shit, you know, blah, blah, blah.
You’re like, he’s got all, all this stuff. He’s making people do horrible stuff. He’s going to blow up everything. This is where it sort of turns into Get
Crew Chief Eric: Shorty, because they’re like, Jeff Terry, whatever his name is, Jeff Bridges. He’s got the goods, man. We got to get him because he’s got the treasure chest.
Okay, and I was hoping for another car chase scene at this point. Of course. Break it up a little bit, but no.
Steve Kondrick: You know, instead uh, we uh, get Ben going to see Jake at his place and he got all the goods on everybody and uh, you know, we, we gotta get this taken care of. Jessica has basically told him everything and basically screwed Jake over and Jake’s like, look you dumbass.
I work for him. I work for your stepdad. He’s the one running shit and gets, like, 75 percent [01:07:00] of the take on everything. You basically killed me, and I’m like, Yeah, that’s exactly what she wanted to do. But she’s like, What? No, I was just trying to get some help. And I’m like, She might be smart, or she might just be naive.
I don’t know. At this point, I’m like, Whatever. I don’t care for her. That’s when Jeff Bridges calls up Ben. He’s basically like, Look, I got all this stuff. I don’t want to fuck up your spot. I just want you to take care of Jake, because I hate that. Fucker and Ben’s like, yeah, we could totally do that. Like, where do you want to do this exchange?
How about the top of Weiler Canyon or what? You know, the scene from earlier, like, sure. Why not? So then we go to Weiler Canyon high atop the Mulholland view shelf overlooking LA or whatever. Jake ends up grabbing a gun from Tommy. Cause Tommy’s there too. Cause Tommy’s like Ben’s right hand man or Jake’s right hand man or was Jake’s, but now Ben’s cause Ben gonna kill Jake, whatever.
Crew Chief Eric: Yeah, not only that it becomes a super awkward Mexican standoff where Jeff Bridges isn’t even in the scene and he’s talking to them from behind the trees and there’s that terrible annoying electric [01:08:00] guitar the whole time. And I’m like,
Crew Chief Eric: Oh, it was a very bad cinematic. The optics of the whole thing. I was like, why did you guys choose to do it this way?
And it wasn’t even that like, Classic mobster scene where you’ve got an old Lincoln with some shoddy headlights and somebody’s standing in the fog And it’s the meeting of the mobsters and you know, somebody’s gonna get shot No, it’s jeff bridges sitting in a director’s chair with a bullhorn off to the side.
I was like, what is this?
Steve Kondrick: So we see him like running around and Tommy goes to get him. But then I don’t know, he sneaks up on Tommy and gets the gun from him. Jake’s like, fuck this grabs. Jessica puts the gun to her head and it’s like to complete this game. Fucker. Just give me the stuff. And of course, Jeff Bridges was like, no, you know, try me.
James was like, fuck you. I got nothing to lose. Push me. I dare you. I double dare you. And then Jessica, because she’s Jessica in this movie, is like,
No, don’t do it! I love him!
Steve Kondrick: I’m like, you’re not helping. You’re not helping anyone right now. Pop, pop, pop, pop, [01:09:00] pop, pop, pop, pop. Jessica ended up shooting Jake in the little tussle.
No! That’s two she shot in this movie. Yep. But, uh, of course, Ben’s like, Yeah, don’t worry, it’s my stepdaughter, I’ll, uh, take care of it. Goodbye, Jeff Bridges. I literally
Crew Chief Eric: wrote down, Old white guy’s gonna do what old white guy’s gonna do. Like, he’s gonna clean up the mess. He’s got people on speed dial. He’s gonna take care of business.
Like, don’t worry about it, guys.
Steve Kondrick: All right, I’m going to call up Kirsch in the morning. We’ll get this all cleared up. Like, actually, hold on just a sec. Maybe you didn’t get the memo. Like, it’s not quite Monday morning. You’re going to find out real quick.
Mountain Man Dan: When she shot James Woods, then she like goes to like console and laying there on the ground.
It’s like, what the hell is this about?
Steve Kondrick: This bitch is evil. That’s what this is about. She is mental. Yeah. Against all odds she’s still alive. That’s the way I look at this movie. So then we cut to six months later, where they’re opening up the canyon, whatever that means.
Crew Chief Eric: Building houses up there? Like, what are they doing?
And this is where the quote for Mrs. Wyler [01:10:00] comes in that I mentioned before. She says, it is sanctuary from the crime and crowding from the city below. Those are her exact words. And I’m like, Well, ain’t that just a turn of events, right? She
Steve Kondrick: says it in the blood puddle still left by James Woods from six months ago.
She’s basically standing, yeah, where he was shot and I was like,
Crew Chief Eric: wow, okay.
Steve Kondrick: You know, Jeff Bridges is there and Ben’s like talking to him. He’s like, I’m going to go talk to this fucker. I’m like, yeah, I heard you got some tryouts for some other teams. Yeah, I’m going to be playing for the Dolphins next year.
I’m like, Lace is out. And he’s like, yeah, I figure I got a couple more years and I’ll quit on my own terms. Cool. Well, you’re out of Jessica’s life. And he’s like, I don’t know, man, you can’t protect her forever. Cue the Phil Collins music and then roll credits for like five minutes of her Of her just sobbing.
Yeah, Jessica just staring at the camera and sobbing and uh,
Executive Producer Tania: Take I was getting awkward. How long are they gonna let this roll
Steve Kondrick: on? I felt like she was peering into my soul after a while. Like, it was [01:11:00] creepy. Finally hits freeze frame after like three minutes. I’m like, that’s because immediately after she’s like, do we have to take or not?
Like, cut! You know?
Executive Producer Tania: This reminded me of a less good version of the end of Runaway.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, Runaway where uh, Tom Selleck and the girl are kissing for like seven full minutes of credits with like fireworks going off in the background. It’s
Executive Producer Tania: uh, welding. There’s a lot of sparks behind them.
Steve Kondrick: But yeah, guys, that’s against all odds.
How many Academy Awards do you think it won? None. Negative three. They took Jeff Bridges Academy Award away 30 years later. I’m sorry, we still remember. Never forget the Porsche 911. Exactly. Beautiful car. So would any of us recommend watching this movie?
Executive Producer Tania: No, unless you’re Jeff Bridges completionist, in which case you’ve already seen it.
Steve Kondrick: I liked the shots in Tulum except for the, you know, the fucking in the ancient ruins. But you know, that was, Oh, you
Executive Producer Tania: mean especially the fucking in the ancient? Or I mean,
Steve Kondrick: yeah, I mean, yeah, just Google that shit. Just
Executive Producer Tania: look up the car chase, the car chase. This isn’t even like the best of James Woods. If he was allowed [01:12:00] to go wild on this, it would have.
Giving it an extra star.
Mountain Man Dan: You’re saying earlier, Izzy, how he’s like a creep. There were certain parts where it really came out, but like you were saying, he didn’t go full fledge with it to where I think it would’ve made his character much more sinister. But there were certain parts where like little things he said and like, look, it was like he come across as a major creep.
Executive Producer Tania: What I recommend this. What is the other alternative?
Steve Kondrick: Not recommending this movie, I don’t know, or recommending a better movie of similar bullshit.
Executive Producer Tania: I mean, is it like this or The Stuntman?
Steve Kondrick: Oh, fuck yeah, Stuntman’s a great movie.
Executive Producer Tania: Cause then I recommend this one. Yes! Yes.
Steve Kondrick: Wow. Really compared to
Crew Chief Eric: yes. I was waiting for this landmine to be tripped because the last time we got together, we talked about the stunt man and then I was so, so that’s right.
You were all wrong and hated it. I know. And Izzy corrected me and it was all good. Yeah. Yeah. I actually really liked this movie and I would watch it again because I think I missed some things now knowing what I know about it. [01:13:00] And there’s a special extra when we get to the, what did we learn? Which. I’ll come full circle on this as to why I really enjoyed this movie and why I think I need to watch it again.
Steve Kondrick: what we call a tease, everybody. But hey,
Mountain Man Dan: basically what I heard Eric say is this is his trading paint.
Crew Chief Eric: Yeah. Oh, I will watch it one more time. Not nine more times like you did anybody
Steve Kondrick: interested in some fun facts about this movie?
Executive Producer Tania: Yes, please. Oh, I don’t know. Steve. Are they? Fun facts. Super fun facts.
Cause fun, fun facts.
Steve Kondrick: Rotten Tomatoes, what do you think the critics thought of this movie? Like what percentage of them thought this was a good movie and recommend it?
Mountain Man Dan: 12 percent. 42. I was thinking maybe like 22, 23.
Executive Producer Tania: Do the critics think of this movie? They
Steve Kondrick: absolutely do. This was a big release in 84.
Executive Producer Tania: All right, I am gonna go with my super generous 17 percent.
Steve Kondrick: Ladies and gentlemen, Against All Odds is rated fresh at 64 percent with the critics. Oh. Eric, you [01:14:00] win.
Executive Producer Tania: I am the wrong woman. But,
Steve Kondrick: unfortunately, nobody gives a fuck about the critics. Oh, fuck
Executive Producer Tania: those critics. What about the
Crew Chief Eric: audience score? I’m thinking it’s probably pretty high too. Probably in the 60s as well.
You’re crazy.
Executive Producer Tania: Here’s the problem. How many women watch this?
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, yeah. At least half ,
Executive Producer Tania: half of all women, or half of all votes were women. At least
Steve Kondrick: not half of all votes are women or just
Executive Producer Tania: half of all women. Women.
Mountain Man Dan: What I That’s
Executive Producer Tania: some solid
Crew Chief Eric: science
Mountain Man Dan: right there. Yeah.
Executive Producer Tania: 73%.
Mountain Man Dan: I’m gonna say like 38.
Executive Producer Tania: I’m gonna go with the funniest answer.
69. Really nice. ,
Steve Kondrick: Dan, you win 45% with the audience, which makes sense to me.
Executive Producer Tania: Yeah, that feels more
Steve Kondrick: correct because, uh, 90% of chicks am I right? I mentioned earlier the budget. $13 million worldwide gross. 21.7. I think the Phil Collin song made more money. That’s a moneymaker. That’s good with advertising.
That I’d say that’s a wash.
Crew Chief Eric: Maybe it’s a wash.
Izzy Fischer: Yeah.
Crew Chief Eric: I mean, they got four bucks for me out of Voodoo. So I mean, to watch this thing, this movie is a remake. [01:15:00] Yes. Thank you.
Steve Kondrick: What of 1940 sevens out of the past, a notable film noir starring Robert Mitcham, Kirk Douglas and Jane Greer. Anybody notice her name in the credits when it started?
She’s Mrs.
Crew Chief Eric: Weiler.
Steve Kondrick: Yep, she’s the mom.
Crew Chief Eric: Oh!
Steve Kondrick: But she was the daughter in the original. Made a scant 37 years before.
Crew Chief Eric: That was my super fun little teaser there. I loved finding out that this was a remake because it proves that even 40 years ago, remakes Sucked, but it also allowed me to go back and start watching the original movie, which is available for free on HBO max or max or whatever they’re calling it.
Now, I can see where they pulled some threads because of post war movie from the forties. Isn’t going to have the same sort of cliches and these tropes that we’re used
Steve Kondrick: to in the eighties. Wait, Kirk Douglas wasn’t raw dog and Jane Greer in the ancient ruins of, I’m just going to say, uh, Anasazi tribal site or something.
[01:16:00] No.
Crew Chief Eric: Yeah, exactly. But no, there are those threads of the stolen money and the runaway girl and all these kinds of things. And so I haven’t completely finished watching it yet, which again, gives me incentive to watch the original and then go rewatch the remake with now a more discerning eye to see how close they did an approximation or as a reboot.
of the original so that gives me that motivation to watch it at least one more time just to draw those parallels
Mountain Man Dan: or to come to the conclusion that it actually sucks more than you initially think
Crew Chief Eric: no but we are due for a third reboot so let’s guess what they’ll call the next one
Steve Kondrick: oh it’ll be against all odds amenable star nicholas holt in the jeff bridges role god who’s our new james woods oh army
Izzy Fischer: hammer fucking
Steve Kondrick: army hammer kevin spacey is
Mountain Man Dan: the stepdad And Nicolas Cage is gonna try to find his way into this movie.
Steve Kondrick: Oh shit, Nicolas Cage is Jake. Yeah. Heck yeah, dude. You know that or he’s Sully. [01:17:00] They’re fucking on top of the terracotta warriors in Xi’an in the People’s Republic of China and then Nicolas Cage pops up and is like, Le jour!
Executive Producer Tania: And you remember there’s the like oldest human burial mounds. In the, all of North America are used for like tailgate parties for some college.
Crew Chief Eric: Oh shit. But the most important part in our recasting of this film, of the same name for the third time, can we get Kid Creole and the unshaven coconuts back on stage for a reprisal?
Steve Kondrick: Yeah, played by Lou Bega. Mambo number five. Some unshaven French chicks.
Executive Producer Tania: It doesn’t have to be played by anyone. He’s still alive.
Steve Kondrick: What?
Executive Producer Tania: Yes. But
Steve Kondrick: he’s no longer a kid. So he’s got like granddaddy Creole or something like that. Right?
Executive Producer Tania: August Darnell. He’s still alive. Here you go, babe. If you want to keep your movie all in the U S in Louisiana, the native American mounds, AKA known as the Indian mounds date back to 11, 000 years ago.
They’re the oldest man [01:18:00] made structure on the North American continent. They also happen to be just outside of LSU’s.
Steve Kondrick: That sounds like an LSU thing for tailgate parties.
Executive Producer Tania: LSU’s stadium, and they are collapsing under the weight of the tailgate parties. There seems to be no plan in place to save them. There were 8, 000 mounds, but they destroyed most of them to build the LSU campus.
Steve Kondrick: Go Tigers! And that’s, of course, go G E A U X, Tigers. Mm hmm.
Steve Kondrick: The last little fun one I definitely want to get out there is, the movie was, of course, shot in Mexico, right? It was while Rachel Ward was on her honeymoon. Think about that for a second, because she had fantastic chemistry with her co star Jeff Bridges, where?
That wasn’t on film. And they had pretty torrid sex scenes. Quote, It was a particularly bizarre shoot for us. Luckily, her husband, Brian Brown, is also a wonderful actor and was very understanding, Jeff Bridges says. Mm hmm. So guys, what did we learn from Against All Odds?
Crew Chief Eric: Ah, what did we learn? What did [01:19:00] we learn, guys?
Executive Producer Tania: Not getting that time of my life back. I learned that Samoyeds hate beach volleyball. That’s true.
Steve Kondrick: I learned Mayan football rules are really different from American football. I don’t know what I learned from this. Didn’t you have a big revelation you were teasing earlier?
Crew Chief Eric: It was, it was a remake. That was what I had learned.
That was my big thing. That was your big revelation? That it was, okay. I thought I was holding that card to myself. Like, Oh, I did all this research.
Executive Producer Tania: He
Crew Chief Eric: worked so
Executive Producer Tania: hard for that baby. You just blew it. You just
Crew Chief Eric: blew it. Well, I guess I learned where the ginger man is officially, and it’s not in LA.
Steve Kondrick: Well, guys, well, yeah, thanks for watching this movie with us.
I mean, I’m sorry you guys didn’t enjoy it as much as we did just by how insane.
Executive Producer Tania: Oh, I didn’t hate it. I mean, there’s far worse things in that movie. There’s a lot better things too.
Crew Chief Eric: I enjoyed it. I love getting together with you guys to review movies. I don’t know what we’re going to do next time. This was a good, nobody [01:20:00] seen it movie. So we can come at it fresh, completely unbiased and add some actors. That we like in it that we knew. So that made it more fun and all the factoids that go along with it.
But for those of you that are listening to this, maybe the first time and never have heard of everything I learned for movies, Steven, is he tell everybody where they can learn about your show?
Steve Kondrick: Oh, well, of course you can find us on all the major podcatchers under everything I learned from movies. We watch bad to questionable movies and just basically explain like what we learned from them.
Executive Producer Tania: movies have lessons.
Steve Kondrick: Yeah. There’s lessons to be learned. And we also just love movies. So it’s like, even if it’s like. Some parts are cool and the rest of it’s crap. We can kind of help with that.
Executive Producer Tania: Oh, guys, we love movies.
Steve Kondrick: And we also talk about beer because we also like beer and our BJCP certified beer judges.
Yeah. How can you reach us, Steve? Well, you can hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, and Patreon at EILFmovies. That’s everything I learned from movies. But babe, can we find you on social media at all?
Executive Producer Tania: Nope, I can’t be found.
Steve Kondrick: Liar!
Executive Producer Tania: Oh wait, yeah, you [01:21:00] can find me everywhere at Untidy Venus. That’s a goddess who’s bad at housekeeping.
You can find a bunch of my cool art, all kinds of stuff. I’m everywhere at Untidy Venus.
Crew Chief Eric: Where can we find you guys? Man, I wish I had a catchy jingle like you guys.
Executive Producer Tania: You guys got to learn to sing is a little
Crew Chief Eric: during motorsports breaks. Hey, that’s good. I’m going to use that. But for those of you listening to us on E I L F M or the first time, although we’ve gotten together many times over the last couple of years, we are available everywhere in the planet where good podcasts and rubbish ones like ours exist as well at grand touring motorsports or search.
break, fix podcast. Our mission is to shed light on something we call the autosphere. Part of our major goal is to capture the living history of different people and expose that to some younger petrol heads out there that they want to learn how to become that person or how to get that job or how to do that thing.
So we’re always interested in car adjacent stories, or even talking about movies like this with a great. Car chase scene in it and picking out and doing a little bit of car spotting, but having a lot of fun [01:22:00] along the way. So it’s not your, you know, typical, you know, we’re going to review the race show or talk about history on this date and in this place.
And this time it’s really a lot of fun and we love crossing over with Steven Izzy. So thanks for having us again. Thanks for having us. Yeah.
Executive Producer Tania: If you’re listening to this on Grand Touring Motorsports, like come hit us up and thank you all so much for putting up with our shenanigans.
Steve Kondrick: Then why don’t we talk about that Jackie Chan racing movie, Thunderbolt or whatever.
Executive Producer Tania: Yeah!
Steve Kondrick: We keep teasing it. Send it!
You’re the only one. Just walk away. Just watch you. You share the laughter and the pain. You share the tears. You’re the only one.[01:23:00]
Who really knew me at all? So take a look at me now There’s just an empty space And there’s nothing left here to remind me Just the memory of your face Oh, take a look at me now There’s just an empty space[01:24:00]
Crew Chief Brad: If you like what you’ve heard and want to learn more about GTM, be sure to check us out on www. gtmotorsports. org. You can also find us on Motorsports. Also, if you want to get involved or have suggestions for future shows, You can call or text us at 202 630 1770 or send us an email gtmotorsports. org.
We’d love to hear from you.
Crew Chief Eric: Hey everybody, Crew Chief Eric here. We really hope you enjoyed this episode of Break Fix. And we wanted to remind you that GTM remains a no annual fees organization. And our goal is to continue to bring you quality episodes like this one at no charge. As a loyal listener, please consider subscribing to our Patreon for bonus and behind the scenes content, extra goodies, and GTM swag.
For as little as 2. 50 a month, you can keep our developers, writers, editors, casters, and other volunteers fed on their strict diet of fig newtons, gummy [01:25:00] bears, and monster. Consider signing up for Patreon today at www. patreon. com. patreon. com forward slash GT Motorsports and remember without fans, supporters, and members like you, none of this would be possible.
Skip ahead if you must… Here’s the highlights from this episode you might be most interested in and their corresponding time stamps.
- 00:00 Introduction to Grand Touring Motorsports
- 00:27 A Dramatic Tale Unfolds
- 02:09 Movie Review Begins: Against All Odds
- 03:10 Meet the Cast and Crew
- 05:02 Diving into the Plot
- 23:23 The Iconic Car Chase Scene
- 29:18 Unexpected Twists and Turns
- 38:12 Romantic Escapades in Cozumel
- 44:00 Awkward Pillow Talk
- 44:46 Post-Nut Clarity
- 45:11 Forced Chemistry
- 45:36 Cocaine and Skinny Girls
- 47:01 Mayan Ruins Adventure
- 49:32 Sweat Lodge Scene
- 52:08 The Big Reveal
- 01:07:48 The Final Confrontation
- 01:11:07 Reflecting on the Movie
- 01:13:24 Fun Facts and Final Thoughts
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Steve and Izzy watch bad movies, drink good beer, funny third thing. Cheers! Learn more about them by catching their podcast “Everything I Learned from Movies (EILFM)” on all your favorite podcast apps. Or follow them on social @eilfmovies. Look forward to more quarterly crossovers with this dynamic duo and the GTM team!
Fun, Fun facts – in fact… they are Super Fun Facts!
- 5.9/10 on IMDB, 64% on Rotten Tomatoes critics, 45% audience score!!!
- $13.0 M Budget, $21.7 M Gross, $21.7 M worldwide gross!!!
- On the subject of Against All Odds (1984) being a remake of Out of the Past (1947), a notable “film noir”; starring Robert Mitchum, Kirk Douglas, and Jane Greer, director Taylor Hackford commented: “Certainly, we’ve tried to retain certain qualities from the original film, mainly the electric, dangerous interaction of the three main characters. However, the story itself, the background of the characters and the setting are very different. I think we’ve come up with a film that deals with the unique nature of power in Los Angeles and how that power consumes and almost destroys the three main characters. Years from now I can see theaters playing this version and the original on the same bill and the audience seeing two very different films.”
- Jane Greer, who played the “mother” in this movie, played the “daughter,” Kathie Moffat, in the original version, Out of the Past (1947). The daughter in this version was renamed Jessie Wyler and played by Rachel Ward. Paul Valentine, who played Councilman Wienberg, played Joe Stephanos in the original.
- The movie was shot in Mexico while Rachel Ward was on her honeymoon. She had fantastic chemistry with her costar Jeff Bridges and they had some pretty torrid sex scenes. “It was a particularly bizarre shoot for us. Luckily her husband, Bryan Brown, is also a wonderful actor, and a very understanding one!” -Bridges says.
- James Woods and Jeff Bridges both loved working with Richard Widmark, and fondly remembered the late actor’s love of pancakes. He used to have a plate waiting for him while shooting a scene, and Woods and Bridges would often hide it. Widmark refused to go back to shooting before the cakes had been recovered.
- On the DVD commentary, actors Jeff Bridges and James Woods comment on how many audience members were returning to see the film several times for the brief but highly effective car chase sequence at the start