Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Celebration of Life: Andy Foldenauer

Andy Foldenauer - 1961-2018


“Shortly before 5:00 am today [March 8th], a great MotoMan took the Checkered Flag for the very last time. He was not famous, yet he was Legendary. Fiercely Competitive and as Tough as they come, he was a Racer in every sense & meaning of the term. Kindness, optimism & incredible humor were the gifts he freely shared with those he knew and those he met. He was a Man who made things happen, a Do’er & a Lifter, no task or challenge was ever too big or too hard. For Evelyn & myself, he was part of our family and he was our Brother by choice for the last 30+ years. We shall miss him dearly & deeply and always cherish our time together. Grace & Peace is now upon him, into God’s arms he has gone, he made a difference in this world and he enriched the lives of all of us who loved him. Mark Andrew Foldenauer (6-6-61 to 3-8-18), AMA District #7, SMDR, aka “Crazy Andy”, now & forever my Brother.” – from Member: Pat S.

It’s never easy to announce the passing of a friend, especially in a small community like ours. Many of you might never have had the opportunity to meet “Crazy Andy” Foldenauer, but if you did he was the type of guy you never forgot! Looking back over the years, when asked, it was hard for me to pick “the best” Andy story. Trying recall some memories, I did realize that probably the most profound memory I have was the night I met Andy back in 2013.

Picture it… fall, Summit Point Raceway, the track had gone cold and so had the temperatures. At Pat S’ campsite there was always the low rumble of “banter and booze” in the air that enticed you to join the circle around the campfire. At that time, I was new to the group but had already learned that evenings were spent listening to Pat lecture us on the plans for the next day, items that needed to “be fixed,” and strong debate. Often these lectures were partnered with firm affirmation of a job well done to his sergeants at arms, or as Pat would like to refer to us as “his lieutenants.”

But this night was different, there was new voice in the circle. As I approached, quickly scanning faces and trying to remember names, I noted a skinny gentlemen to Pat’s right, in a black hoodie looking a bit tired, and cold, with a Jack Russell Terrier by his side and some bourbon to help ease the day. As I sat down Pat introduced me to everyone while handing me a shot. This new voice piped up saying things like: “Hey! You’re with those other guys right? …  I saw you out there, I was watching… Looking good out there… I can’t wait to get out there with you guys… ”  – Keeping quiet and playing along I still wasn’t sure who I was chatting with. After awhile, Pat realized that and introduced me to Andy as “one of my motocross buddies, he’s been flagging all day, and that’s his dog Alex. Have another shot.” Admittedly, I dismissed the constant goading and talk about “Andy getting on track” as Jim Beam-influenced aspirations of grandeur, nothing more.

After a much needed nights rest, I rejoined “the morning meeting” to see Andy helping everyone prep for the day, and it wasn’t until I saw him step into his silver C6 Corvette Z06 did I realize Andy was there to drive! He had been volunteering his time for the “work 3 – get 1 free” program that SCCA promotes. He really *was* getting on track! After a cup of coffee, the fog started to clear, and it was all coming together – spending more time with Andy that Sunday and getting to know him better, I quickly realized what everyone else probably already knew, he was a great guy and larger-than-life. I made a new friend that weekend and I looked forward to seeing him at another event. #therestishistory

Many years and many events later, Andy would be diagnosed with a Stage-4 Glioblastoma (aka: terminal Brain Cancer) – which is the same disease that took Member #00000 from us, as well. With the help of friends and loved ones, Andy was able to extend his time with us nearly a year after diagnosis; Pat was able to bring Andy out to Dominion Raceway (a track Andy wanted to drive but never got the opportunity) last fall. Member John R volunteered to take Andy on some “hot laps” around Dominion in his Mustang. This marked the last time Andy was on track, but I have to say those 15 minutes put Andy in such great spirits, and with his typical over-the-top enthusiasm he boasted “I’ve seen it now, I like it, I’m ready … I think I can drive it.” – It was a special moment and the folks from GTM that were there are proud to have been able to share that afternoon with him.

Friends and Family gather at a private Celebration of Life for Andy.

Although Andy was never officially a member of GTM; he was definitely a friend to our organization. And with his passing, we honored him at private Celebration of Life [May 19th], as an honorary Member of GTM.

#finallap. #checkeredflag.

With 56 laps around the sun completed, Andy took his final checker on March 8th, 2018.
Andy and Alex will be missed trackside. RIP Andy – Your friends at GTM.

Photos courtesy of Pat S.

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