Friday, March 28, 2025

Come here and hold the light! (Pt.2)


There have been several times as I look back over my childhood that I recall vivid experiences in the garage that were actually critical learning moments. If you’d asked me 10 years ago, I probably would have said “My father wasn’t the most learned man, never finished college, smart guy … he did spend 30 years as a mainframe programmer – but he wasn’t into what he would have considered ‘the softer sciences’ like Psychology. If you asked him, he was an engineer. And a bit of a MacGyver.” – Inevitably, this meant countless hours spent under the hoods of cars, and each one of those encounters starting with the same beck and call “Hey… I need you to come here and hold the light.”  — CHECK OUT PART 1


Chris & Nat Bongiovanni

Our guests, brothers Chris (top; Senior Director for Grid Dynamics) & Nat Bongiovanni (bottom; CIO/CTO of NTT Data Federal) have a similar set of garage stories surrounding a yellow AMC Gremlin, some of which shaped their careers in Business and Information Technology. And we welcome them to Break/Fix to explore how these “garage moments” can effect change in your life, and pass on some fatherly advice.



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Break/Fix Podcast Father's Day Special

We can’t paint all these childhood memories in rose, some of them are unrepeatable and full of expletives … but I will say there are also some key parenting (and business) ideologies to take away from the experiences in this episode.

Intended or not, I learned to “make sure you make your kids a part of your life, and not the other way around” – and btw – this is the only piece of advice I ever give new parents if asked. Reframing this in the context of business, every moment is often a learning moment, a moment of growth and are you part of a corporate culture that ‘walks the walk’ on change or just ‘talks the talk’. To quote Chris, “Life is short and you are more than a minion.” And If you want to catch up with Chris and Nat, look them up on LinkedIn and be on the lookout for more inspirational tips. 

From Chris Bongionvanni: LinkedIn 4/22/2022

The ‘Ol Yellow Gremlin’. My father’s terrible answer to high gas prices in the early 1970’s. Even though it didn’t help much on fuel costs, I have fond memories of it. I got some of my earliest lessons about life and work from my Dad in it. One of those memories came to mind yesterday.

One Saturday morning, on our way to see my Uncle he told me “It is important to listen to what people say, but it is far more important to watch what people do”. Far and away the best advice he ever gave me.

So, how does this relate to our professional life? After all, Linkedin is the social platform for the world of work. I think it does – especially if you are joining a new company. Recruiters, Hiring Managers and Executives will tell a story about a growth organization that is looking to evolve and change. How do you find out if they are really interested in change or, if they are just looking for a new minion to carry on their bad habits?

I suggest you listen to my Dad and ask them to show you examples of the changes they have already put in place. And not just the success stories those come easy, ask for the story of the failures. Have them explain the trials and tribulations associated with the change in question and why the turbulence occurred. Only then will you understand if they are ‘talking the talk’ or ‘walking the walk’.

A corporate culture that ‘walks the walk’ on change is a far better experience for employees than a culture that just ‘talks the talk’. Life is short and you are more than a minion.

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