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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Eighth Annual MICHAEL R. ARGETSINGER – Call for Presentations


The International Motor Racing Research Center and the Society of Automotive Historians present the Eighth Annual Michael R. Argetsinger Symposium on International Motor Racing History on Friday and Saturday, November 1 & 2, 2024, in the Media Center of the world-famous Watkins Glen International racing circuit in Watkins Glen, New York.

The Symposium is a unique gathering geared to independent scholars and historians, enthusiasts and the enthusiast media, motor sport participants and fans, and interested members of the general public. The two-day event is free and will be live streamed for remote viewing, courtesy of Gran Touring Motorsports. Both in-person and remote presentations will be made, which will be available post-event as YouTube recordings.

Presentation Topics:

Presentations on topics relevant to international motor sport history of all eras are welcome, including, but not limited to, the history, evolution, and development of race cars and motor sport technology; motor sport geography, oral history, and historiography; cultural, gender, media, and political histories of motor sport; and archival and museum studies. There are a limited number of presentation time slots available; submittals will be reviewed and selections will be made based on subject matter and perceived suitability for the Symposium.

To Submit a Presentation Abstract for Symposium Consideration:

Independent motor sport scholars and historians, independent researchers, and undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit abstracts, not exceeding 200 words, to the Symposium Administrators by August 2, 2024. Abstracts should summarize the content and thesis of the proposed presentation in a succinct and compelling manner and should include representative graphic images that the presenter intends to use as visual accompaniments to the presentation. The submitters must also indicate in their abstract whether it is their intention to make the presentation in person at Watkins Glen, or remotely by Zoom. Submission review, selection, and notification will be completed the week of August 19, 2024. Presenters selected should then expect to provide, within 30 days, an edited slide show (using PowerPoint software) of the graphics that will accompany their presentations for review and approval, and a final version of same by October 21st. Abstracts can be submitted in either Word or PDF documents. Presentations, including slides, video, film, or other visual techniques, must be limited to 35-40 minutes, including time for questions and answers. Presenters, in person at Watkins Glen or remotely via Zoom, will speak to the attendees at the racing circuit Media Center and simultaneously to the online live streaming viewers. YouTube videos of the presentations will be available post-event in the IMRRC online archives, while academic-focused presentations may be published in the SAH Automotive History Review and/or in the Journal of Motorsport Culture & History

For additional information, please visit the Symposium page of the IMRRC website, or contact Symposium Administrators Duke Argetsinger of the IMRRC, and Robert Barr and Chris Lezotte of the SAH.

Download the Call for Presentations.

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