Saturday, March 15, 2025

Forza Motorsports League Recap – Series I


The struggle continues to be … REAL.

Well that about sums up Series I of the new GTM Forza Motorsports League >drops mic<

In all seriousness, like anything new, there are ups-downs, twists-turns, and controlled chaos.

You would however, have thought by now, that we would have learned our lesson. We had the KISS “final-final-final goodbye tour” of FM6 completing SIX unique series over the course of 15 months before saying “enough is enough” — then Microsoft and Turn-10 had their latest shiny, adrenaline filled Motorsports narcotic – cleverly titled “Forza Motorsports 7” – debut in late September of 2017.

The commissioners looked at each other, sighed, and said “what the hell — how about a reunion tour?”

Carefully combing over the previous six series and pulling “the greatest hits” from those albums they crafted a set-list that would prove appealing to drivers new and old. They brought back hits like: “Look, I’m inside you” – “The Glencident (PVD Ibiza Remix)” – “You stole my line, and my spot (Acoustic Duet)” and let’s not forget the crowd favorite “Your man is gone, now can I have his points?” (definite 2018 CMA candidate).

The new rule book was quoted as “longer than EMRA’s racing rule book” and despite being virtual racing, we took some pride in that… providing us with the title of our next hit single “Misplaced Hubris.”

New for this year is the idea of “Parity” allowing the drivers to run mixed class vehicles and score additional points based on the performance index of their class. This has been further refined into what will be our upcoming Rolex-24 inspired Series II: “Ultimate Motorsports” multi-class racing; which – in theory – will be the closest we can get to LeMans / IMSA … without going over. It will feature F1 and IMSA tracks and the most interesting collection of cars to be featured in a GTM Forza series to date: Senna’s McLaren F1 vs Dyson Porsche … why not!?!

Even though we started the series off with a cacophony of random noise, people dug in, stuck with it and were able to turn it into smooth jazz.

We can’t thank you all enough for that. …And it did give way to our first GTM meme: #theenforcersez

And now for the results…

Please note, we had a record 16 participants in Series I!

We appreciate everyone taking the time to participate in Series I, and we look forward to having everyone back for Series II starting 1/30/2018 @ 8:30pm on XBOX Live. More information on the GTM Forza League can be found at www.gtmotorsports.club/leagueraces/

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