Tuesday, February 11, 2025

HPDEjunkie.com Closed?

Say it ain't so Dave!, say it ain't so...


“I’ve closed the website and given up the track day hobby.  Know anybody looking for a Miata and or an enclosed trailer?  Both are for sale.” – Dave Peters

After nearly a decade of dedicating countless hours pouring over HPDE event information for both the United States and Canada, “the HPDE Junkie” Dave Peters has retired and closed down the HPDEjunkie.com website indefinitely.

It goes without saying, that this was a huge blow to our team, and no doubt for many HPDE weekend warriors alike. HPDEjunkie.com has been a powerful resource for quickly finding any and all excuse to go to the track without having to scour tons of different calendars and websites or create complex searches on the Hagerty-owned and ad-riddled MotorSportsReg.com.

That said, we’re going to try and post events on our Motorsports Calendar (here on the GTM Clubhouse website) as we receive the information. BUT! That will be limited to whomever sends us event information, ie: HOD, CHIN, PCA, SCCA, etc., and won’t be as broad reaching as HPDEjunkie was.

We do recommend checking your favorite track’s actual calendars before jumping to MSR to get a clear picture of “who” is hosting events during any given month. Examples include: WGI Track Rental Schedule, VIR Track Calendar, Summit Point Event Calendar, etc. Please note that groups like CHIN, HOD, AutoInterests, etc., don’t participate in MSR because they utilize their own registration and driver tracking systems. However, they are obligated to contract with the tracks who will post the event data on their main calendars.

For GTM clubhouse members our next step is to integrate our Motorsports Calendar, which includes not only HPDE events, but Club Racing, RallyCross and AutoCross events into our “WY@” program available to members. Further, we’ll be working to replace the integration that was made between HPDEjunkie.com and our Track-side Assistant App: Paddock-Pal.

Look for those programmatic changes during Q1-2025 (before the East Coast season kicks off); and remember all is not lost, we’re just a little more disorganized now that HPDEjunkie.com is gone.

Thanks again to Dave for all his hard work over the years, we salute you!

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