Wednesday, March 26, 2025

It’s Spelled DYNO Day, Not DINO Day!


Someone once said, and I’m paraphrasing here, “dyno days are stupid, what’s the point? I already dyno’d my car for race series XYZ and know how much power I have, it doesn’t even matter”

Well, to that person I say, nothing. I was always told if you don’t have anything nice to say…. But, I can also say just look at the turnout.

What was once considered a dumb idea, turned into a great event and a great showing of GTM members. Apparently more people than we originally thought were interested in seeing how much power their cars produced, so much so that we had to cut off registration in order to fit everyone in. GTM members gathered at New German Performance in Aberdeen MD to hang out, win some prizes, and see how much power their cars had or didn’t have. All makes and models were welcome and the turn-out of participants was a testament to just how diverse this club truly is. We had food, music, good people, great support from a sponsor, and an overall great day.

Some highlights from the festivities

  • John “Crowd Control” R and his better half, Erin “Common-Law” K brought out there squirrel powered eco-boost mustang. And sure enough, with the first pull of the first car of the day, Crowd Control won the contest for best guess of their cars HP number. He hit the number right on the head at 287HP to the rear wheels. Of course, the officials at the corporate office are reviewing this for any cheating. (Just kidding, but not really).

  • Doug “Tic-Tac” Turner and his little orange Miata that could came out ready to fight, and man did they have a temper. That angry Tic-Tac put down an Earth shattering 102HP!

  • At a Volkswagen shop, there were a total of 3 Volkswagens tested. The two MKIV chassis cars from Mike “Fast Beddie” with Chrissy “Crutch” C and Brad “The Triple 6” N. Both cars put down respectable and predictable numbers. However, it was the MKVII GTI of Bruce “Checker Blind” S that was the most surprising showing. The little stage one hatchback hit a whopping 293HP and over 300 torques!

  • Late comer Dave “ZLWON” P took away the “Dyno Queen” prize for putting down a super impressive 479HP at the rear wheels in a BONE STOCK 2015 Camaro ZL1. Not bad for a car that showed up practically factory fresh.

  • The most surprising showing of the day however, was Corey “Semper-Fi” T and her late model Toyota 4Runner off-roader. This thing was built for off-road excursions with a huge lift, big tires, on board air compressor, you name it and the truck had it. With all that weight, you need to have the power to move it, and her 4Runner did not disappoint, putting down a good 229HP at the rear wheels. Had she not guessed 1 higher than her actual number, she would have been the winner of the “Price is Right” guessing game (SUCK IT, RICHTER!)

  • Of course, the day wasn’t without its little disappointments. Kerwin “Freak Show” W had possible tuning issues which resulted in a less than anticipated HP figure. And Andrew “Big Dubz” M couldn’t make the event due to a last minute AWOL dog situation at home. The puppy was found however and all is well. Although I hear the dog has learned a few more curse words than he knew before running away.

  • All in all the event was great with an amazing turnout. I want to thank Eric “Terrible Toad” and Jess “Bread Baker Extraordinaire” M, who spent all night and morning baking fresh bread and assembling homemade Italian sandwiches and PBJ (even though they used the wrong Jelly!). And a huge Thank You to New German Performance for putting up with our motley crew of car enthusiasts!

For those of you that missed it, don’t fret, GTM has a number of great events planned for the rest of the year and beyond, so be sure to check back often and review your emails for those dates and details.

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GTM partners with New German Performance (NGP) for our first Dyno Day. June 2017

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Be sure to check out the follow-on article that goes with this photo vault. CLICK HERE.

More photos available in the Vault!

Brad N
Brad N

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