Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Now that’s… BadAss!


As the summer ebbs to fall and cars return to their hibernation in the confines of our favorite room in the house, the timing is right to prep for winter.  While this always means cleaning up a bit and checking the weather-stripping around the doors and windows, it’s also a great time to up the status on the equipment you’re working with.  After all, you’ll be doing some post-season maintenance on your rides, so why not make things easier?  Find out what we mean here

One of our favorite pieces of equipment will always be the rolling cart – a mobile toolbox, it makes any job infinitely easier as you don’t need to run back and forth from vehicle to toolbox for the right tool – stock up the right tools for the job, roll it over to the vehicle, and commence work.  Having the right cart is always imperative, and CTech Manufacturing is one of the finest in the industry, offering configurable opportunities to custom craft the rolling cart or full work space you need.  No, they’re not cheap, not by a longshot, but their quality is well known and there are few things finer than working with a product that simply works well and doesn’t let you down.

Shown here is the CTech Badass Mechanic Cart Type A, a fully configurable mobile toolbox.  The Rolls-Royce of mechanic’s carts, CTech offers a number of other carts too, each built to spec, available in an ocean of colors, complete with locking MotionLatch drawers that hold 250-pounds each, flip-top compartments, radius corners, HD handles, integrated D-Rings, and more.  The Badass is fitted with 10-inch flat-free casters allowing exceptional ground clearance and maneuverability on rougher surfaces.  So, before fall turns to winter, get prepared – treat yourself to a new mobile cart.  See the configurator here BadAss Mechanic Carts.  If you’ve got a cart, let us see it!



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