Friday, March 14, 2025

You’re listening to radio Revel!


**Cover image for this article was generated using DALL-E-V3, provided by Microsoft Co-Pilot using text from this episode. 

In celebration of Father’s Day, we’ve got together for a Break/Fix Podcast Crossover episode with a guest who has a dynamic relationship not only with cars, but the world around him. Growing up in the Midwest, maturing in New York City and finally setting down roots in Europe, podcaster Revel Arroway shares his life’s journey each week on You’re listening to radio revel.

Instead of our usual interview, we just handed the mic over to Revel to let him tell his own story in which cars have always played an important part, as did his stepfather Mike (above).  


Revel Arroway - Hosts for You're Listening to Radio Revel

I retired from active ESL teaching in 2014. Before that retirement, I had spent 32 years in the profession. My last work was in a small, private academy in the North of Spain, working with a maths teacher, a French teacher and an elementary teacher. My work was a combination of helping kids with their school learning and teaching English as a Second Language.

Contact: Revel Arroway at Visit Online!




If you’re looking for something new and different to listen to when you’re behind the windshield, we recommend taking a step into Revel’s life. 

His charming, candid, and revealing memoir style podcast You’re listening to Radio Revelcan be found everywhere you stream, download or listen. Be sure check out Revel’s website yourelisteningtoradiorevel.wordpress.com for more information and you can certainly look him up and chat more about his episodes or stories via facebook. 

Break/Fix P
Break/Fix Podcasthttps://www.motoringpodcast.net
Break/Fix Podcast is all about capturing the living history of people from all over the autosphere. From wrench turners, to artists, authors, racers, designers and everything in between. Our goal is to inspire a new generation of petrol-heads that wonder ”how did they get that job? or become that person?” The road to success is paved by all of us. #everyonehasastory

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