Sunday, March 23, 2025

Weekend Recap

That’s a wrap! 8th Annual Symposium on Motorsports History

For over 10 years now, the International Motor Racing Research Center (IMRRC), has been partnering with the Society of Automotive Historians (SAH), to present the annual Michael R. Argetsinger...

My first KrAZy Car Show

Ever since COVID the number of organized car shows has been increasing at a rapid rate. Not a new or novel concept, but events...

Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix (Pitt Race)

It's always an adventure... William Ross from the Exotic Car Marketplace called me just before we went up to help him with the Rock+Revs...

Activation ACO!

After all the dust had settled from visiting the Automotive Hall of Fame, and our bellies were satisfied with our meal from Ford's Garage,...

Brisket & Beer at Ford’s Garage

Continuing our Father's Day weekend adventure, at this point I was joined by friend, Break/Fix podcast guest, and GTM sponsor David Middleton from MIE...

How about… Dinner and a Show!

We were invited by the great nephew of Ralph R. Teetor, film producer and guest of Break/Fix podcast Jack Teetor to the premiere of...

Real race cars don’t have thermostats

As many GTM'ers know, Andrew has a passion for cars, and its rare to see him with the same car twice, and the Dodge...

1st Annual Gerstell Academy Car Show

Walking around the auxiliary lot at the Gerstell Academy overhearing the conversations of show goers, you heard very similar sentiments over and over again. "mid-November...

VIRginia International Raceway is for Lovers

2019... that's the last time we were all together at VIRginia International Raceway. Can you believe that? The pandemic has really shaken up our track...

Simeone Demo Day – Underdogs of LeMans

EVENT OVERVIEW - Le Mans 1959: The Underdog Champion! (Saturday, February 25 - 11:15 AM -2:30 PM) The Simeone Museum is proud to present "Le...