Summit Point
Summit Point Legend – Passes Away at 85
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Courtesy of WDCR Region of the SCCA. Donny Owens, 85, of Summit Point, WV, passed away Sunday, December. 24, 2023, at the...
Season Opener w/ AutoInterests
Spring has sprung, the grass has rizz... I wonder where all the track rats is? If you've been stuck at home waiting for an excuse...
Summer Camp/Bash #7!
GTM is partnering with AutoInterests (www.autointerests.com or see our Podcast for details); who are hosting 4 days, on 3 tracks! at Summit (New Jefferson (extended), Shenny and...
Weekend Recap
Summer Bash – 5th Anniversary
"Sorry for the spam, but I have to give a HUGE shout out to the entire GTM crew after this weekend. Not only was...
Weekend Recap
Top 20 things you missed at Summer Bash ‘18
20. Biggest GTM Village yet, we took over the entire space under the pavilion at Shenandoah: tables with Snacks, Drinks, Tented stations,...
HazMatt Racing
EMRA-hgerd – Kudos to John R!
A few weeks back, Eric M called to ask if he could leave Doug’s SM for John R to drive at the EMRA event....
EMRA-hgerd! – Time Trials
There comes a time in every driver’s life when just doing laps isn’t enough. They have become skilled and seasoned enough that simply improving...
HazMatt Racing
GTM Summer Bash 2017 @ Shenny
I wanted to chime in that it was GREAT to spend time with the GTM folks this past weekend. While I've seen your names...